Sunday, August 30, 2009

Book Stack: 8 Months Worth of Books

I arrived in Wichita last night and was met with a beautiful sight: 5 big boxes of books that have been stacking up since early January. (These aren't all the books that have been sent to me over the past 8 months since my dad sends me boxes with the most urgent books from time to time.)

Here's a quick video view. Enjoy!


the story siren said...

oh my WOWNESS! that is fantastic. Maybe I'll just let all my books pile up for 9 months so I can have a huge stack to open at once.... or maybe not! :) thanks for sharing!

Lenore Appelhans said...

It did feel a bit like Christmas in August :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, those would almost fill an entire bookshelf, wouldn't they?

Cindy said...

WOW!!!! You have like 5 books in there I want!!!!! LOL LOL

Steph Su said...

Piles so delicious they're almost overwhelming. When will you find the time to read all of them?! hehe.

bermudaonion said...

Oh wow! I bet it felt like Christmas!

Alissa Grosso said...

I'm not sure, but I think I might become too overwhelmed with such an amazing stack of books. I would probably go into something of a book frenzy running around in circles shrieking, "Where do I begin? How am I going to find the time to read them all?"

Alea said...

Yay! Are you shipping those back to yourself I take it?

Lenore Appelhans said...

Taren, Steph & Alissa - For sure! My questions to myself are:

1. How will I take all these books back with me?

2. Where will I put them once I do get them back?

3. When will I find the time to read all of them?!!

Lenore Appelhans said...

Alea - The cool thing is that I upgraded to business class on the flight back so I get a free allowance of 3 bags up to 70 lbs each. I'm going to need it!

Can I just comment how much I love Delta airlines? They upgraded me on all the segments of my trip this time around :)

Alea said...

That is so awesome Lenore! :)

Memory said...

Man, is that ever a lot of books! Christmas in August indeed!

Yan said...

It seems the 9 months of waiting doesn't it!? xD

Diana Dang said...

Wow, envy here! xD

Tasha said...

Nice stack. I could use some of those envelopes.

Melody said...

Oh wow! Now that's what I'd call a haul!! :P

Park Avenue Princess said...

That's Fantastic!! Enjoy them Lenore!! I'd be so happy I think I may just lay them all out and roll around in them screeching "They're all mine...all mine"!! LOL I'm kidding!!

It's SO great that Delta upgrades! No doubt!

I LOVE your blog!

xoxo Amy (Park-Avenue Princess)

Bianca said...


Whoa. That's just crazy!! I'd probably be overwhelmed.

Molly said...

Oh my goodness -- how FUN!!

And you are in Wichita! That is only a hop, skip and a jump from me. Enjoy the unusually cool Kansas weather.

Erica said...

:) Wow!!!! Thanks for sharing
so many amazing books!!!

Opening that many packages at once would be awesome :P

Melanie said...

So many lovely books! Before I Fall and The Snowball Effect are the top two that look the best to me. At least you won't run out of things to read. :P

Lenore Appelhans said...

Alba - My cats couldn't come with me, thus no cats in the video!

Molly - I think I brought Germany's weather with me. I've never been so cold in Kansas in August!!

Melanie - Out of all of them, I am most excited to read BEFORE I FALL!

Bianca said...

Lenore! I know how you feel. I live in Kansas City, it's usually hot this time of year!

Nancy said...

OMG!!! It's like xmas and happy birthday and every other happy day in between. Congrats!!

Cecelia said...

Nice stash you have there. I will admit to envy. Hope you enjoy them all!

kay - Infinite Shelf said...

I have only one thing to say : WOW! That's a lot of books!
I don't know how you resisted opening these enveloped before though! :D

Thao said...

Don't you just want to pet these books? I hope you find a way to get these books back safely~!!!

Btw I love the stack of the bubble mailers : )


Oh my gosh that is amazing! It's like my dream land!

I would just want to sit with them all around me and chose the order I wanted to read them in!! Haha!

The Sweet Bookshelf

Beth F said...

When you see them all at once, it sure is a lot of books!

Hazra said...

Whoa! I'd probably just sit there and stare at all the books.

Ana S. said...

Wow!! Definitely like Christmas in August!

The Mapless Traveler said...

Wow, that's heaven! ... or maybe not, simply because I have too many books piled up myself to read and they are starting to get in the way of stuff like, you know, walking around freely :) But I don't think you can ever have too many!

Zibilee said...

I am so envious of you! Your stacks are awesome! Now you will have to make time to read all those wonderful books.

Serena said...

What a nice stack to come home too...congrats on those books...jealous!

Meghan said...

Wow! You have more than I've ever had on my trips home! My parents have to send my books to me sometimes too but there are always a whole bunch of contest wins and non-urgent ARCs waiting.

Jenn's Bookshelves said...

Wow! What a great stack of books! Enjoy!