Monday, January 18, 2010

Book Review: The Dark Divine by Bree Despain

Grace Divine is both disturbed and fascinated when her former neighbor - and one time foster brother - Daniel moves back to town. Her brother Jude makes her promise to stay away from him, but this is one promise Grace is finding hard to keep…

When I heard this story was loosely based on the prodigal son parable from the Bible, it piqued my interest since you don’t see many religious themes in mainstream YA. Debut Author Despain has built her intriguing plot around a seemingly normal family – Pastor dad, mom, Grace, Jude, younger sister and baby brother. They are endlessly charitable and morally upstanding without being holier than thou or preachy in the least bit (how refreshing!). And yet…they reject Daniel. Why?

I found Grace very relatable, both as a character and with how she goes about trying to figure out the dark mystery that surrounds Daniel. And yes folks, this one too veers into paranormal territory, but in a way that was so well set-up and integrated that it felt natural and even plausible. And it also veers into romance territory, but given Grace and Daniel’s shared history, this also progressed believably and satisfactorily. It all leads up to a breathtaking climax and a resolution that feels finished, but still leaves you praying for a sequel.

THE DARK DIVINE is available in hardcover now – and with such a gorgeous cover. Find out more about it at the author’s website.


  1. This one is going on my radar -- sounds like a solid read.

  2. The bible theme also caught my interest. Sounds promising indeed!

  3. Hopefully this book will show up in my mailbox very soon(takes it bit of time from Amazon US to my mailbox in Norway).

  4. I really want to read this. I am hearing such different things about it. I want to decide for myself. Great review.

  5. This sounds good, I really want to read it too. Great review!

  6. I just had to update, I got the book today LOL Cannot wait to read it!

  7. Lenore,

    Thanks for such an informative review! Must read this book!

    xoxo -- Hilary

  8. This was one of my favorite books this year, I'm glad you enjoyed it too. The cover is beautiful!

  9. I love a book that makes you hope for a sequel. This one sounds really good.

  10. I absolutely loved this book! I too had to question "why reject him when you always forive?" but then I can explain it away as I read further :)

    you took the words out of my mouth about the ending...I seriously hope there's a sequel to this!

  11. Definitely in agreement with your review! I'm really looking forward to the next installment.

  12. awesome!!!

    im glad you liked it!

    i didnt know it was based around a bible parable, intriguing...

    but anyway im looking forward to reading this!

  13. I was thinking of downloading this one to my reader the other day. I think I'm going to have to.

  14. Great, concise review! I hate those "holier than thou" attitudes (you put it perfectly), and I'm glad Bree Despain was able to veer around that. Can't wait to read the sequel! :)

  15. I loved the way that you described this book, so much so, that I have to read it!!

  16. SO pleased you liked this one. I am intrigued by it too.

  17. Oh and on Tepper's Beauty, I read that in high school and found it so fascinating and so poignant. Beauty (was that her name?) got so little time with Giles and he was so dear. I must reread. People don't seem to know about this book.

  18. I've heard so many good things about this book - it's already on my wish list :o) Great review

  19. Ooh, this one does sound very tempting to me! I am going to add this to the top of my wish list. I haven't read much YA that reinterprets biblical events either, and I am intrigued by this book. Thanks for the great review!

  20. I am definitely trying to get my hands on a copy of this - it looks fabulous!

  21. Im dying to read it, that covers just says: READ ME!. Great REview


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