Sunday, January 17, 2010

The International Book Blogger Mentor Program 2010 FAQ

Breaking news: IBBMP is now open for applications from mentors and sponsoring authors!

I’m overwhelmed by the response I’ve gotten to this idea. In just a week, I’ve already received over 30 applications from international book bloggers - thanks to everyone who spread the word! If you do the math, just this group of applicants would keep me busy for nearly 3 years. That’s why I’ve decided to open the program to additional mentors and sponsoring authors as well (since I’ve also had interest on that end).

Hopefully, this FAQ will answer all your questions (if not, e-mail me and I’ll expand it).


Who can apply to be a mentee?
Any book blogger who blogs in English about books and lives outside the US and Canada can apply. You must have an active blog with at least 10 book reviews posted at the time of your application.

How can I apply to be a mentee?
Just write an e-mail to lenoreva at hotmail dot com with the subject line IBBMP 2010 telling me your future plans for your blog and why you’d like to be a part of the mentor program. You can also mention what new and forthcoming books are on the top of your wish list and I will try to match you up with at least one.

What are the benefits of being part of the program?
I (or another experienced book blogger) will send you a list of currently available review books and allow you to choose 2-3. I (or another experienced book blogger) will also look over the reviews you write for the books and suggest improvements (you may of course choose to ignore the advice if you wish). I (or another experienced book blogger) will also be open to answering whatever blog related questions you might have. Once you post your first review, I will feature you and your blog during my monthly IBBMP feature post.

When will I find out if I have been selected?
At the end of each month, I will make my selection and matchups (if applicable). If you are the lucky mentee, I will write you an e-mail asking for your mailing address and giving you a list of books to choose from. If you do not receive an e-mail from me, it means that you will be considered for later months. Your application is good for all of 2010, meaning you do not have to reapply during this timeframe.

Why must my blog and blog reviews be in English?
The IBBMP is intended to build up the English speaking book blogging community. If your blog is in another language, I applaud you for wanting to take an active in your own language’s book blogging community. However, you are unlikely to fully benefit from this program as (i.e.) most mentors (including myself) are unfortunately not fluent in your language.

I live in the US or Canada and would like to me a mentee. Is there a program for me?
Why yes! Kate and Kristen have set one up that you might like to check out. See Bookworming in the 21st Century for more information on their program.


How can I apply to be a mentor?
Just send an e-mail with the subject line IBBMP 2010 MENTOR to lenoreva at hotmail dot com and tell me why you’d like to be a mentor. You must have an active blog that has existed as a book blog for a minimum of one year. You agree to send 2-3 books that were published with a traditional publisher in 2009 or 2010 to an overseas address (if you yourself are located overseas, you may elect to be matched up with someone from your own country, if available). Additionally you agree to look over the recipients reviews of the books and give them advice.

What are the benefits of being a mentor?
Not only to you get the eternal gratitude of your IBBMP mentee (and mine), you also get to share your book review writing expertise and have a nice place to donate your used ARCs. I will link to both your blog and your mentee’s blog in my monthly IBBMP feature post which means additional publicity.

When will I find out if I have been selected?
I will send you a personal e-mail after I receive your application. Please allow a few days for me to process it.


How can I apply to be a sponsoring author?

Just send an e-mail with the subject line IBBMP 2010 AUTHOR to lenoreva at hotmail dot com and tell me why you’d like to be a sponsoring author. Your book must be published with a traditional publisher in 2009 or 2010. You agree to send your book to an overseas address (if you yourself are located overseas, you may elect to be matched up with someone from your own country, if available). In addition, you agree to send a second book. This can be a book from your own backlist (where pre 2009 would be fine) or a book from a fellow author published by a traditional publisher in 2009 or 2010.

What are the benefits of being a sponsoring author?
Fame and fortune of course! You find a review placement for your book with an eager, engaged, and pre-screened international blogger. An experienced book blogger/reviewer (most likely me) will read over the review before publication. I will link to the review and your blog/website in my monthly IBBMP feature post which means additional publicity. You get the eternal gratitude of the IBBMP mentee and renown within the book blogging community. Everybody wins!

When will I find out if I have been selected?
I will send you a personal e-mail after I receive your application. Please allow a few days for me to process it.


  1. This is such a wonderful idea! I'm looking forward to reading the mentee's posts throughout the year.

  2. Wow, the initial amazing idea has turned into something even more brilliant! Being a relatively new blogger based in Europe, I'll definitely apply for this asap, i.e. hopefully this week!
    Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for coming up with such a wonderful idea and for investing so much time into this project, but I'm sure it'll be great success! :)

  3. This really is a fantastic idea & I wanted to say thank you for helping us new bloggers :o) I will definitely be applying when I've built up a bit more content on my blog!

  4. This is a great idea, Lenore. I'm not at home, so I can't send you an email... but, I would like to volunteer as a mentor.

  5. And of course you know I'm excited about this :-) I'm especially stoked to be able to help out, too. Squeee! I think this will be such a fantastic thing.

  6. for investing so much time into this project, but I'm sure it'll be great success!

    Work from home India

  7. Great concept Lenore. I think this is a great positive way to build community and improve our approaches to blogging!

  8. This is a fab idea!! looking forward to seeing who's involved!

  9. I loved this so much, I had to make an award for you :-D

    You are my first Kool-Aid Flavor of the Week.

  10. Again this is such a great idea, I'm looking forward to read about the IBBMP program this year :)

  11. Fabulous! (Are you ever at a loss for great ideas?) I'm happy to serve as an author!

  12. What a great idea. I'm Canadian but I'm glad to see someone helping the international bloggers!

  13. I would love to help out if you'll have me. I will email you in the a.m.

  14. I'd love to be involved in this but think I would be the MENTEE since I've only been blogging since Jan/Feb. I guess you have enough people signed up though huh?


  15. This is a wonderful idea. It also looks like a good way to find other international bloggers. I'll probably apply (although I read you have a great number of applicants already) somewhere in the upcoming week.


I would love it if you leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on my post. Due to some overwhelming spamming of late, I have enabled comment moderation on posts older than 3 days, but I will do my best to quickly publish your comment on these older posts. Your comments will continue to appear immediately on my current posts.