Monday, January 4, 2010

Book Review: The Lonely Hearts Club by Elizabeth Eulberg

Penny has been in love with the son of close family friends since early childhood, so she’s devastated when the jerk betrays her after a perfect summer. Disillusioned with romance and fed up with boys, Penny resolves to quit dating until she graduates high school, setting off a movement among the girls in her town.

I loved the positivity of this novel. Penny’s been done wrong, but instead of wallowing in self-pity and playing the victim, she channels her energy into something constructive – a club that’s all about girl bonding. The rules for membership start out strict – no dating guys AT ALL until you graduate – but as Penny realizes that not all guys are scum (just most) and that one of them might actually be right for her, she realizes that maybe the rules need to evolve.

The narrative starts out strongly (adored the first two chapters especially), and though the pacing is just right, I would’ve liked to have seen a bit more character development overall. Penny’s background and motivations are well explored, but many of the supporting characters are very simply woven, either annoyingly “villainous” (I’m looking at you Principal Braddock) or peppy and supportive (the majority of the members of the club). Conflicted cheerleader Diane, Diane’s ex Ryan, and brooding musician Tyson (YUM!) were the only ones I found satisfyingly complex.

But no matter, this is feel good fluff at its best and most heartwarming. And it might just have you breaking out your Beatles collection and putting together a playlist to light up these dreary winter days.

The Lonely Hearts Club is out in hardcover now! Read a guest post by the author.


  1. Made a separate post since it was so long!

  2. I'm glad you did because I wanted to comment on the review and not enter the contest. This sounds like a sweet and also empowering read. I wish I'd read it when I was a teenager. Great review.

  3. Sounds like a fun, light read for a cold winter's night or maybe in the summer for a beach read!

  4. This is a great book. I am trying to get my daughter to read (she is 14). Great review!

  5. Sounds like just the type of story I should read right now, and I love the cover! I'm sad I didn't get to Abbey Road when I was in England this year. Maybe next time!

  6. This might not be the read for me, but I think my daughter would love it. Great review, it sounds like a very positive and spirited read.

  7. I'm just going to have to buy this, in hardcover, for my daughter. She is such a huge Beatles fan!

  8. It does sound like fluff read but sometimes that's just what is needed. I'd love to see this made into a movie from the Beatles angle alone.

  9. I read another review on this today. I think I'd like the Beatles connection. I do agree that sometimes a good message and some fluff is needed.

  10. I read this book this week, and I enjoyed it too! As you said, it is feel good fluff and it was such a cute story.


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