Sunday, January 3, 2010

Presenting Lenore on That's How I Blog!

I will be chatting with Nicole on her radio show That's How I Blog on Tuesday the 5th (two days from now). The show will start at 10 pm EST (7 pm Pacific) which means since I am in Germany, it will be 4 am for me, so let's pray I'll be coherent!

I hope at least some of you can be there for the show live. I hear there is a fun chat room running parallel to the show where you all can gossip about me (how can you resist now?). You can also send Nicole questions in advance to ask me. Just send an e-mail to nicole [at] linussblanket [dot] com with Presenting Lenore in the subject line.

We'll spend the second half of the show discussing Justine Larbalestier's LIAR, and we'll probably get into spoilers but not until later, and not until we've warned you to stop listening.

For those of you with other plans, the show will be archived so you can listen later.

See you there!


  1. You are dedicated to get up at 4am for this! I'll probably have to listen to the archived version, so I won't get to gossip. LOL

  2. Aww, wish I could listen to it live, but since I live in Europe and work every day, I'm afraid I'll need my beauty sleep at 4 am! Hope the show goes well and I look forward to listening to it later!

  3. How fun! I'll totally find a way to listen in from Scotland! Good luck!

  4. Cool..very cool..!

    I am going to figure out how to do just that.

  5. Do they have a broadcasting through the internet?

  6. Ooh! Very cool! Can't wait to hear you!

  7. Awesome! I saw this post just in time to listen to the show! Good luck on your appearance tonight!


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