Friday, April 23, 2010

Book Review: Never Look Away by Linwood Barclay

Local newspaper reporter David Harwood has a lot on his plate. Not only is he investigating a private prison company suspected of buying off city council members in their bid to build a prison in his town, but he’s also dealing with a depressed wife, Jan, who has hinted at being suicidal. When David goes with Jan and their four year old son Ethan to an amusement park, Ethan goes missing, and by the time he is safely found, Jan has vanished without a trace. Unfortunately, David soon becomes a suspect in her disappearance and must track down a myriad of confusing clues to clear his name and hopefully find his wife.

This is my second Linwood Barclay thriller after NO TIME FOR GOODBYE (read my review), and I thought this one was more layered than that effort without losing any of the intriguing mystery that makes you keep reading compulsively. I really liked the parts about the newspaper falling on hard times and how staff was dealing with it, as well as the subplot with the private prison and its diabolical leader. Some parts of the mystery were pretty easy to figure out, while others came as complete shocks, and aside from a very unbelievable coincidence at the end, I was satisfactorily entertained yet again.

NEVER LOOK AWAY is out in hardcover now. Find out more about it at the author’s website.

I received this book as part of the LibraryThing Early Reviewer program.


  1. I love a good multi-layered mystery. This sounds like a page turner!

  2. I have also read No Time for Goodbye, I want to read all of his books, they are good mysteries even though sometimes you figure it out. I thought maybe thats his style.

    I have another one of his on my TBR list.

  3. Aha! Another series to draw me away from my responsibilities (like showering and feeding my children). I love good, solid, layered crime thriller series!

  4. Being satisfied is a good thing right??? Sounds like an author I need to check out!

  5. I love Linwood Barclay. So enjoyed the book you gave me for Christmas that I've bought a bunch of his other books since then. Finished this one last week and loved it!

  6. I have Fear The Worst on my shelves. I have to still give it a read. I read your other review as well, and it seems as if these are a nice distraction.

  7. Staci - Definitely!

    Linda - I've seen you express your love of Linwood on your blog!

    Nicole - Fear the Worst has a cool premise. I'd like to read that one too.

  8. Sounds like a book I'd like. I'll keep an eye out for it :)

  9. The cover makes this seem like a really scary book, but the mystery intrigues me. I may have to check this one out!

  10. I haven't read very many mysteries, but this one does sound good! I like the fact that it is very multi-faceted and I am really glad you enjoyed it. Off now to look it up and add it to my wish list!

  11. I'm a sucker for a good mystery - thanks for the recommendation. Would be interesting to see how the family dynamics play into the novel as well - the wife's depression seems like it could play a big part. Glad that you enjoyed it.

  12. I enjoyed the newspaper references, having worked at one for 33+ years. I LOVED THIS BOOK!

  13. I just finished reading “Never Look Away”, by Linwood Barclay.I recently discovered this author and boy am I glad I did. His stories are the kinds that you want to finish in one sitting. Filled with intrigue, “Never Look Away” kept me captivated from page one until the very end. Yet another satisfying novel by one of my new favorites. Well done! I eagerly await his next thriller.
    Check out my full review at

  14. The only one I've read is the one you read first. I really liked it, so I'll have to find some time for this one.


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