Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fuse 8's Top 100 Chapter Books Poll & My Top 10

Now that I have a free moment, I can finally reveal my top ten picks for the best children's chapter books (see top 100 at Fuse 8)

1. Holes by Louis Sachar (placed #6 on poll)
I am so in love with this book, it's not even funny. Daniel loves it too (and if he had voted, he would have placed it at the top of his list too). I loan it out all the time, and most everyone buys their own copy afterwards.
2. Millicent Min, Girl Genius by Lisa Yee (did not place)
This is one I've read recently and reviewed on my blog. The voice of Millicent Min is so strong, Yee had me convinced she exists somewhere for real. At least 2 other people had it in their top 10.
3. The Bad Beginning by Lemony Snicket (placed #71 on poll)
This is a wicked fun series, and I have this installment on my list because it was the most likely to place. I'm not actually sure which one of the 13 books is my favorite - I love them all!
4. The Tiger Rising by Kate DiCamillo (did not place)
Just the perfect little book about overcoming grief. Also got 2 other votes besides mine.
5. Tuck Everlasting by Natalie Babitt (placed #20 on poll)
I read this about five years ago, and just really connected with it.
6. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by CS Lewis (placed #4 on poll)
I've read the entire series at least once, but this is the book I come back to again and again.
7. The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner (placed #83 on poll)
I also read and reviewed this fairly recently. My best friend's daughter had a copy, and I just started reading it and couldn't put it down.
8. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl (placed #19 on poll)
Madcap adventures from the master of wacky.
9. The Invention of Hugo Cabret by Brian Selznick (placed #52 on poll)
A stunning blend of illustration and story for something that feels completely fresh.
10. Are You There God? It’s Me Margaret by Judy Blume (placed #36 on poll)
It's dated, but holds such universal tween truths. I can still remember reading this one as a preteen and being both horrified and fascinated.

Books in the top 100 I could have also put on my list:
#2 A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle
I remember reading this in 8th grade and really loving it, but I can't remember anything about it! I recently bought a copy to reread, so I hope to fall in love all over again.
#7 The Giver by Lois Lowry
Dystopian lit! How could I forget you?!
#9 Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery
I think my love for this though has more to do with the miniseries than the actual book.
#40 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum
How can a Kansas girl leave this off her list?
#100 The Egypt Game by Zilpha Keatly Snyder
Ms Snyder came to my elementary school for a presentation and signing and thus began my love affair with her books. The Egypt Game was one of my favorites of hers.

Did you vote too? Do we have any overlap in our top 10? And if you didn't vote, what would you have voted for?


  1. Most of the books I would've chosen are on the list. Harry Potter would steal my number one spot for the best childrens chapter books each and every time. I read the first book when I was 11, and I grew up with the characters. The world Rowling built was just this epic thing to my mind when I was younger.

    I loved The BFG and Charlottes Web so so much when I was younger too. And The Lion The Witch and The Wardrobe was magical and still is. I would've put Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry on the list too, because that book really opened my eyes to how fickle some people in the world can be and really affected me when I was younger.

    This is making me so nostalgic, may have to re-read some of that Harry Potter magic! Plus, I haven't ever read Holes, but now I am itching too! Fabulous post

  2. I read A Wrinkle In Time a couple times when I was a kid, but I can't remember much about it either. I remember small snippets, parts of scenes, but I can't remember what I loved about it. I also just bought my own copy of it and am very much looking forward to reading it again :)

  3. I hadn't even made the Kansas connection but I was looking for The Wizard of Oz on your list. I read it for the first time last year and I really liked it. I had only ever seen the movie before.

  4. Millicent Min, Girl Genius was on my list as well. Min's voice is crazy strong.

    I know its a strange comparison but Millicent Min's voice reminded me of Ignatius from Confedercy of the Dunces.

    Three of my books placed. Where Mountain Meets the Moon, Bud Not Buddy and Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry

  5. I didn't vote, but THE THIEF would have been on top of my list as well! Love the entire series. :)

  6. Sam - One of these days I should probably give Harry Potter another try.

    Nicole - The movie is basically required viewing in Kansas.

    Doret - Now that you mention it, Millicent and Ignatius do have some similiarities! Good call! I have the three books on your list that placed on my wish list.

  7. We only overlapped on two - The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - but those ones are awesome! I considered Hugo Cabret too but thought it might not have the wide appeal of some of my other choices.

    And I SWEAR I am going to read Anne of Green Gables this year.

  8. You remember what you voted for?

    But THE THIEF was on my list too!

  9. Liviania - Well, I had to go back and check my e-mail to Elizabeth, but yes. :)

  10. I didn't vote, but I love your list. I've not read Holes, but I am thinking this needs to be our next family read (the kids LOVE the movie). My daughter has read a number of these books. I think my favorite of them all was The Giver.

  11. I'm glad THE THIEF was on both your list and theirs! It's not my favourite of the series, but I still recommend it left, right and centre because I love the other books so much.

  12. I didn't vote but I love your list, I would've voted for the same books like The Thief, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, The Giver, A Wrinkle in Time and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I would probably add the following: From the Mixed-up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, Harriet the Spy and Matilda.

  13. There's so many I could comment on here but I have to say that The Egypt Game is one of my personal favorites. I was always so interested in all things Egypt and have such fond memories of reading this book. I just read it again (at age 47) and loved it all over again!

  14. I haven't read Holes, but I like the movie. I'll have to give the book a try. Tuck Everlasting, The Giver, A Wrinkle in Time and The Lion, Witch and Wardrobe were all favorites when I was younger. I need to reread some of them and see how they hold up.


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