Saturday, April 10, 2010

Read-a-thon Book Review: Jumped by Rita Williams-Garcia

One morning before school starts, Leticia sees Dominique tell her girls she’s going to jump Trina after school for disrespecting her space. Leticia’s friend Bea tells her she has the responsibility to warn Trina, but did Leticia see it all from the wrong angle? Why would she want to get involved anyway?

This slim novel is told in the alternating, authentic voices of the three girls. Dom is all frustration and restlessness, angry that one teacher won’t improve her grade by just a few points so she can play basketball. Trina is all cluelessness and bounce, imagining that everyone loves her and wants to be her. Leticia is all gossipy yet detached, wrapped up in herself and her own problems. All make choices, and those choices, however insignificant they may seem, all come together one fateful day with explosive results.

A stunning novel, and great for the readathon since it’s short and hard to put down.

JUMPED is available in hardcover now. Find out more about it at the author's website.


  1. Sounds like a great book! Will have to look into it!

  2. All three girls have such contrasting personalities- it sounds like a great book.

  3. Happy reading! You're doing great :)

    Jumped seems like a particularly appropriate story after the tragedy of Phoebe Prince. I wasn't expecting the ending and just sat there, in horror and amazement. Ugh. This was a quick read, but unforgettable.

  4. I've heard good things about Williams-Garcia. Will have to put this one on my list!

    Happy reading!

  5. Have fun reading. You are doing great so far!

  6. Wow three books done already. Keep up the great reading!!


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