Saturday, April 10, 2010

Read-a-thon Book Review: Stolen by Lucy Christopher

Gemma is going on holiday with her parents and is changing planes in the Bangkok airport when she kidnapped by a delusional young man who takes her to live in the Australian outback.

STOLEN is a written as a letter from Gemma to her captor Ty. He expects her to fall in love with him, but how can she when he has taken her against her will away from everything she’s ever known? It’s a compelling story of how Stockholm Syndrome develops, and as the reader, you are both repelled by and yet also strangely attracted to Ty, just as Gemma is. Quite an achievement really.

The novel begins and ends with a bang, though the narrative drags a bit in the middle, which is not so ideal for a readathon pick. It really did put me through the emotional wringer – especially the scenes with the camel.

STOLEN is available in paperback in the UK and is being released in hardcover in the US on May 1st. Find out more about it at the author’s website.


  1. This is my favourite book! :) It's very very gripping.

  2. I think it is quite an accomplishment when the reader takes on the emotional development of the character. This sounds interesting.

  3. I have really been wanting to read this one. It sounds like such an emotional and powerful read. Thanks for the review.


  4. The whole Stockholm Syndrome is fascinating to me. This sounds like a good read!

  5. Wow, this sounds really fascinating. I don't know why, but for some reason, when I looked at the cover (I've seen this around before) I thought it was going to be about fairies or something, just another to add to the glut of cliche ya books out there, but it clearly isn't that. Might have to read this one.

  6. I totally agree about the camel scenes! I practically cried every time she came up!

  7. I'm still trying desperately to get through this one, but your review has renewed my curiosity. Camel scene? Yeah, I need to keep reading.

  8. I couldn't put it down. A stunning book!

    Here is my review of Stolen by Lucy Christopher.


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