Friday, June 11, 2010

The one where I join the Bloggiesta

Since I have some time this weekend, and since I've been neglecting my blog of late, and since Natasha of Maw Books Blog is such a great hostess...I'm joining in the bloggiesta fun.

Things I need to do around here:

Update tags. I've been tagging book reviews by publisher since early last year, but I still need to go back and tag earlier reviews. Candace at Beth Fish Reads has some great tag advice to think about.

Register for BBAW. I'm probably going to throw my hat into the ring in the YA category and best interviews. Just need to pick 5 posts. My LIAR review and Lauren Bjorkman interview are definites, but still need to pinpoint my other picks. Any suggestions, loyal readers?

Reply to comments. I'm way behind on this, and I'm sorry! I hope to catch up soon.

Write the guest post I promised Nat of In Spring it is the Dawn about an interesting library experience I had in Japan. I haven't forgotten!

Work on plans for dystopian August. This includes coordinating my movie vs book feature, researching and writing my author interviews, solicting guest posts, etc.

Clean out my Google Reader. There are a lot of dead blogs on there. And try to figure out how to do that sharing thing I once heard someone somewhere talk about.

Update my challenge posts. I always let this slide. No more!

Visit other bloggiesta participants. Wow - there over 100 already.

Update GoodReads, Amazon, and LibraryThing with my latest book reviews.

Delete all cat pictures. Haha. Just kidding. No hate mail, please.

Maybe I'll think of more along the way.


  1. HATE MAIL COMING!!!!! You should do like a post of 20 cat pictures, outtakes or something!

  2. Good luck :) I hope you enjoy your weekend

  3. I hope you can get all of that done. It's a big list.

  4. I need to update GoodReads and LibraryThing.

    You can read my Bloggiesta post HERE

  5. Good luck completing all of your tasks!

  6. I'm looking forward to your dystopian month. Hope you get a lot done!

  7. Good luck on getting everything done! And have a great weekend. :)

  8. Good luck with it all!

    viz including publishers in tagging--I was curious to see if you broke it down into the sub groups with the big houses, and went looking for your tag list, but did not see it....:( So I remain curious!

  9. Lot of goals there! Good luck getting everything done this weekend :)

    This is my first Bloggiesta, so I'm trying to take it easy and make it a point to have time to visit blogs...but I do need to try and cross some things off my to-do list as well!

  10. I think you would risk hate mail! Good luck on the tagging. I'm going add publisher/imprint info to all my reviews . . . (not holding my breath)

  11. oo, dystopian August? My list is quite a bit shorter than yours, and I'm wondering if I'm even going to be able to finish it. Good luck :)

  12. I'm glad you joined up Lenore! May you accomplish much!

  13. Best of luck! I'm participating too, so check out my list of things to do. I've already done a couple and started on others. Taking a break now and doing overtime at work (well, ok, even when I was doing overtime at work, I was doing Bloggiesta things, lol).

  14. I'll be looking forward to dystopian August!

  15. Good luck with Bloggiesta! I wish I had time to participate this time.

  16. I registered with BBAW too, though just to vote. Seriously, there are so many amazing blogs out there!

    Good luck with the last day of Bloggiesta.

  17. My blog has requested that I announce that it's not dead yet, and please don't delete me!


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