Saturday, June 12, 2010

Where My Last 20 Books Came From (8)

In the interest of full disclosure (and the FTC guidelines), I do a post every 20 books detailing where my books came from.

Delirium by Lauren Oliver - Given to me during publishing house tour at HarperCollins

Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness - Bought

The Extraordinary Secrets of April, May and June by Robin Benway - Requested review copy

Still Missing by Chevy Stevens - Amazon Vine

Amy and Roger's Epic Detour by Morgan Matson - Accepted as part of a blog tour

Viola in Reel Life by Adriana Trigiani - Picked up at BEA 2009

The Queen of Attolia by Megan Whalen Turner - Bought

Forget-Her-Nots by Amy Brecount White - Bought

Love in a Time of Homeschooling by Laura Brodie - Accepted author pitch

My Double Life by Janette Rallison - Accepted author pitch

Linger by Maggie Stiefvater - Picked up at the Bologna Children's Book Fair

Comet in Moominland by Tove Jansson - Borrowed from a friend

Read, Remember, Recommend for Teens by Rachelle Rogers Knight - Accepted as part of a blog tour

Brava, Valentine by Adriana Trigiani - Accepted as part of a blog tour

Never Look Away by Linwood Barclay - Won via LibraryThing Early Reviewers

Runaway by Meg Cabot - Accepted as part of a blog tour

Being Nikki by Meg Cabot - Unsolicited review copy

Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti - Accepted as part of a blog tour

The Tourist by Olen Steinhauer - Bought

The Clearing by Heather Davis - Amazon Vine

Hmm...lots of blog tours this reading period. Usually I don't do that many. Could be doing better on owned books vs review copies, but I just have a ton of review copies. Where are you getting most of your books lately?


  1. The answer to your question: B.E.A.

  2. Um, has the FTC really come down on us? I think this whole disclosure thing is kinda bunk... and a big failure.

  3. Laura - Legally speaking, we don't have to disclose. But I am anyway.

  4. It's interesting to me how all the different bloggers disclose where their books come from. Some people list it automatically on each post along with title, author, publisher, etc. You make a separate post. Some people thumb their noses at the FTC and say, "Neener neener, I bought it!" :D I always note whether it's a library book, thrift store book, etc., and how I came across it- if it was a TBR book, a random finding, the only book by that particular author my library had, etc. How I find the book is part of the reading journey for me, and sometimes, a serendipitous finding makes the book even better. :)

  5. I find this fascinating. LOL I bought Monsters of Men too. I couldn't resist when I found a signed copy but I'm waiting until I go on holiday to read it. I want to give it my undivided attention and I know if I'm here I'll be thinking I should be reading my review books.

  6. Do you happen to have the link to the FTC disclosure policy?

  7. Inked - info is all second-hand.

  8. This makes me realize how lucky I am to have such a good library here in Vancouver. I can find most books I'm looking for, even recently published ones.

    Your FTC disclosure is my win. Now off to check out Monsters of Men by Patrick Ness. Thanks!

  9. I actually appreciate the FTC disclosure laws. It helps to understand motivations behind reviewers. Honestly, it is not an issue in the book review blogosphere, but in other products it can mean the difference between knowing a reviewer really loves something and whether he's working for the company to provide an ad and not a review.

    My day time grown up job requires me to evaluate websites sometimes as sources for evidence based research. Knowing that the website is owned by the manufacturer of a product they are providing information about puts the information into a necessary perspective. When a website's information is pulled together from independent panels of experts and not the manufacturing company makes the evidence stronger. It's the same principle applied to bloggers under the new(ish) FTC laws.

    So I respect what it is trying to accomplish, and I appreciate the reviewers who do disclose freely. I think it's a pretty stand up thing to do even though it sometimes doesn't feel like it should be such a big deal since we love books regardless of how we get our hands on them.

  10. I need to do a better job of posting where my books come from but at the moment most of them come from the library! If it is a free review copy, I always disclose that at the bottom of my review. I like your idea though - it also gives a nice summary of what you've recently reviewed.


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