After reading this novel, I’m convinced Sachar can make any subject fascinating. I went in knowing next to nothing about bridge, and I put the novel down at the end not only with a rudimentary understanding of the game, but a healthy appreciation for it.
Sachar knows he’s not going to interest everyone in the intricacies of bridge strategy and culture, so he employs a very creative device known as the “Moby Dick” whale. Sachar precedes sections where potentially “boring” details could get in the way of the story with an icon of the whale and then follows them up with a short summary. I can think of a ton of novels that would benefit from this brilliant device (first to mind is Elizabeth Kostova’s THE HISTORIAN – a whale icon could have spared me that whole plodding section on the migration habits of medieval monks in Eastern Europe).
As it did in HOLES, Sachar’s storytelling shines. Alton befriends another bridge playing teen related to Lester named Toni who may or may not be crazy. Together they help Lester fulfill his dream of playing in the national bridge tournament. The novel also has a philosophical bent, touching on themes like coincidence and synchronicity, religion and afterlife.
Here are some passages I really liked.
On the eternal life of ideas:
“One way or another, the body of Alton Richards will cease to exist,” he said.
“But the idea of Alton Richards will live forever.”
“So what happens to
ideas that are not communicated?” asked Gloria. “Do they die?”
“An idea
doesn’t die,” said Trapp. “It exists somewhere, in its own dimension, waiting to
be perceived.” p. 123
On coincidence:
“He said that synchronicity was different than mere coincidence. WithOn creation:
synchronicity you feel there’s a definite connection. You just don’t know what
that connection is.” p. 144
“Maybe that’s what religion is all about. Is life just a highly improbable
coincidence, or does an impossible explanation make more sense?” p 313
THE CARDTURNER is out in hardcover now. Find out more about it on the author’s website.
Yay! I just received this book in the mail yesterday. I'm so excited to read it after hearing your thoughts. (I kinda skimmed your review b/c I didn't want to bias my reading...I'll check back and read more closely after I've read it.)
Wow! Sachar sounds like an amazing author - I don't think I've read any of his work.
Lol! i LOVE Lois Sachar!
Kathy - You need to read HOLES!! Like right now!
It surprised me how much I enjoyed this book! The story was compelling as well as the details about bridge! I was moved!
I was also moved!
Thanks for this review. I've loved Louis Sachar from SIDEWAYS STORIES through HOLES but I was hesitant about CARD TURNER b/c of the subject. Now I'm heading out to buy my copy!
I love the whale technique and can also think of a lot of books that could use it, The Historian being one among many! Great review, Lenore! I might have to think about this one for my son.
I am also going to be placing a big book order for the kids summer reading soon, and you will be happy to know that I will be scouring your website to pick some books I know they will love!
I am annoyed with myself that I've never read Holes. I pitched it to my kids as something we could read together (they love the movie) and I got dead stares like I was crazy. I'd also heard good things about the sequel. Giving this all some more thought...
Awesome! I would not have thought this book would be for me, but since you addressed that whole bridge issue and Sachar's awesome ability to make anything interesting, I'm in!
Just finished this one and loved it! I agree with everything in your review.
Can't wait to share it with my students.
I have never read anything by this author, but I think those little excerpts may have convinced me. You can see in so little words that this author is a true writer. I've heard nothing but fascinating and amazing things about Holes, so I am definitely going to have to pick up one of his books. And have you seen the UK cover? so so pretty.
Carla - The UK was the first one I saw (at the Bologna book fair). It's gorge!!
This sounds like a fabulous book. You never hear about Bridge anymore.
I hadn't heard about this book until I read your review. Then I noticed that the NYT posted about it recently.
Guess lots of people really liked it.
This sounds great! I love the whale icon idea -- I can think of plenty of books that could have used that.
I've loved him since the good old days of the Wayside Stories books! He's great. I haven't read this one but definitely should after reading your review!
Ooh! Skimmed through your review because I don't want to spoil it! My copy came into the public librar today! Really looking forward to reading it because I loved Holes :-)
I've never read Sachar but he seems to be a really great writer- everyone loves his stuff. Thanks for the great review!
This sounds great - especially the part about learning just enough about bridge to understand what's going on. I have had a little bit of an interest in learning a little bit about the game, but I don't want a fiction book I read for fun to turn into a how to book. Also, I loved the quotes you shared. I love books that have a little bit of philosophical exploration in them.
I adore Sachar as a person and as a writer. Thank you for this!
I wasn't planning to read this, but you sold me with the whale bit. Onto the list it goes.
I loved the style of writing.
And you are right, when ordinary ideas are put into in-ordinary words, that is good writing.
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