Sunday, December 19, 2010

Book Review: Earth the Book by The Daily Show Writers

At the BEA author breakfast back in May, I got to hear Jon Stewart talk a bit about this book -a guide to the Earth and the human race for the aliens that will inevitably find the barren wasteland we leave behind. We were also treated to a short, printed excerpt that produced a ton of giggles between Daniel and me.  Fast forward to the September release date.  We were at Watermark Books for Daniel's Buffalo book signing and saw a copy and had to get it.

Strangely, while the content structure has stayed pretty much the same, the jokes have mostly been changed. They are still giggle-inducing - just different. Be aware this book may not be for everyone (there is a naked picture of Larry King among other NC-17 content) but if you're not super sensitive and you like The Daily Show's brand of irreverant humor, this is one that will keep you laughing for days.  It would also make a great last minute Christmas gift!

Check out the book's website, where you can apply to be reconstituted when and if the aliens who find Earth decide to repopulate the planet.


  1. Ooh, this is the first I've seen of this. Definitely need to pick this up for perusal. :)

  2. I think this looks hilarious but I was wary to pick it up without knowing anyone else who had read it! Might have to take a look at this one.

  3. Jaime - I can vouch for its' hilarity! It's a hit with our guests too :)

  4. I need to start looking this one over. I got it though, because I love Jon and his team! Glad to hear it's good. :-)


  5. I have heard people say that this one wasn't as interesting as America, but I actually think that this book would be more to my liking, as I find the subject matter really intriguing, and also, John Stewart is my boyfriend, so you know, I can't pass this one up. Great review, Lenore. I am glad you had such fun with it!

  6. I enjoyed America: The Book and thus want this one. But they usually show up on clearance shelves eventually, so I'll probably wait.


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