Friday, December 17, 2010

Book Review: Secrets to the Grave by Tami Hoag

Marissa Fordham is found brutally murdered, her four year old daughter lying barely alive at her side in a pool of blood. Sherriff’s detective Tony Mendez calls in the help of Anne Leone, teacher turned child advocate, to help with the child, the only witness to her mother’s tragic end. After some digging, it turns out Marissa had been hiding some dark secrets – one of which being that she was living under an assumed name.

SECRETS TO THE GRAVE is the second book in a mini-series that started with DEEPER THAN THE DEAD. While it can be read as a standalone, if you plan to read the first book, you should read it first as basically that whole book is spoiled here. I did not read that first book due to lack of time – but I’m sure if I read it in 6 months, I won’t remember too much of what happened in this fairly standard crime thriller.

What attracted me most about the novel was the assumed identity angle. I always find it fascinating to read about people who have changed their identities and why. Marissa’s story is quite twisted too, and the killer’s motive pretty original (if crazy unbelievable). I am usually not that good at fingering the killer, but this time, I caught on to the clues pretty easily and early on.

I did laugh quite a bit at the repeated mentions by the characters that they were living in 1986 and did not have the proper equipment, such as widespread DNA testing and computer databases, to really do their job as efficiently as they might be able to do a few years down the road.

SECRETS TO THE GRAVE comes out on December 28th. Find out more about it at the author’s website.

This has been a part of a TLC tour.  Check out the tour post for more stops!


  1. I am reading DEEPER THAN THE DEAD right now and liking it a lot, so ya know I will be wanting to read this one too.

  2. Way back when, I used to read everything Hoag published. Her recipe became a little predictable, so I stopped following her. I am curious how these new ones read. It sounds like she hasn't lost her talent to weave a good mystery!

  3. I just bought Deeper Than The Dead as a Christmas gift for my aunt, who loves thrillers. I am going to have to mention this one to her as well. Great review, as usual, Lenore!

  4. This sounds great! I enjoy Tami Hoag as her stories revolve around Minnesota, but I have yet to read this one.


  5. I've never read Hoag's work, but this does sound like a good series.

  6. Yep...I'm going to read this author for sure!! Hey...were you even born in 1986??? Good grief I feel old...I graduated in 1987!

  7. I've read all of Tami Hoag's books, and have already ordered this one. Love her books, some are better than others, but they are always good reads.

  8. I liked Secrets to the Grave a lot. But the 80s setting gives me a giggle too!


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