Thursday, December 9, 2010

Book Review: Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly

Since the death of her younger brother, Andi can’t really make herself care about anything. Until she goes on a trip to Paris with her father and finds the secret diary of Alexadrine, a girl who lived through the French Revolution. Despite living 200 years apart, Andi discovers strange parallels in their lives and soon the past will become all too present.

Despite the fact that me and this novel got off to a rocky start (I am soooo over teens suicidal over their feelings of guilt for a loved one’s death), I really came to adore it, so much so that I had to buy a hardcover for my keeper shelf after having read the ARC.

There’s so much to love here – the exploration of classical music via a fictional composer named Amadé Malherbeau, a reimagining of might what happened to Marie Antoinette’s son Louis-Charles, a believable and sweet romance, and even of bit of time travel. It’s an immersive read, well-researched, tight and passionate.

My favorite quote:

"Life's all about the revolution isn't it?" he said. "The one inside, I mean. You can't change history. You can't change the world. All you can ever do is change yourself."

REVOLUTION is available in hardcover now. Find out more about it at the author’s website.


  1. I got a copy of this book at SIBA and since then, I have been hearing nothing but good things about it. I think my daughter is reading it now, and when she is done, I need to make time for it!! I am glad that you loved it so much, as your recommendation holds a lot of weight with me!

  2. I'm dying to read this one, but I'm trying not to buy books right now. I'm glad you really enjoyed it! Great review :)

  3. I thought this book was great - probably one of my top 10 for the year. I'm glad you liked it too!

  4. Like you, I had mixed feelings about this book at the start, but I'm so glad I kept reading it. So glad you enjoyed it as well!

  5. I'll have to check this out. Haven't heard of it until your review.

  6. All of the sudden, this author has been throwing herself in my face at every turn. Guess I am going to have to give in and read her stuff.

  7. This is one of my favorite books ever. I loved it sooo much; I haven't gotten myself a hardcover yet, but I think it's going to be one of my gifts to myself for the holidays.

  8. It is so frustrating when a book is difficult to get into, but when it turns around, it can be so gratifying.

  9. I heard a lot of good reviews about this book, including yours. I think I'm gonna get a copy soon.

  10. I bought the paperback version a few days ago. Now I just need to find the time to read it!

  11. I am so looking forward to reading this!

  12. Part of me likes that quote, too; part of me wants to say that we need to teach our teens that by learning about the news and voting, yes they can change the world as well.

  13. I really want to get a copy of this book, especially since I liked A Northern Light so much.

  14. I've heard so many great things about this book in the blogging world and from my coworkers who all seem to have read it! I suppose I really need to get my hands on a copy of this book! :)

  15. I've had this since the SIBA Trade Show and don't know why I haven't read it yet! Argh!

  16. I have this one...can't wait to read it. I have loved her other YA book so I'm thinking this one should be a great read.

  17. The fact that you want a hardcover says a lot to me.

  18. I've been curious about this one, so I was very excited to read your review! Thanks for your honest opinion! :)


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