Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Return of Cat Tuesday (8)

Lu may not be interested in "kitty crack" (what we call these certain cat treats Emmy and Kaia go crazy for), but he does like his playtime.

Mouse hunting


Play fight with Kaia

Rest time with Emmy


  1. The thing is they just look so fluffy and cute. I don't know how you can stand to live with all of the cuteness day after day.

  2. Awe...they are adorable (as always!) I'm with Amy. Not sure how you can take the cute daily - I'd die from overdose. lol

  3. They are so adorable! My cats refuse to act like cats. They seem to think they are dogs instead.

  4. Awww - I love Cat Tuesdays. Lu is a feisty one.

  5. Oh my goodness, they are so cute! Emmy looks like she's not quite getting enough of the towel to rest on!

  6. Avis - That's a cat "ledge". And for some reason they like leaning against those CDs.

  7. I wish I had some of Lu's energy! They're all so cute!

  8. Lu's so cute -- and very energetic! I wish I had half of that for this week!

  9. Oh my gosh! Your kitties are so cute and fluffy! My one cat, Jasper likes to sleep all day, but Stella is feisty :)

  10. How do you survive such adorableness? I think I might faint, they're so cute.

  11. Awwwwwwww. I haven't been by in forever and this is why I've missed it. LOVE your kitty pictures! :)

  12. OMG this is so cute, my head might explode.

  13. My Cairo would love a ledge like that to sleep on! As it is, she cuddles up to our baseboard heaters as best she can!

  14. I want kittens!!! OMG, they look so happy and I think I'll be swelled with happiness if I live in the house full with them. Happy to see that they are all very well-bonded.

    Seriously, I want one!

  15. It just doesn't get any cuter than that, does it? :D


  16. We had a communal cigar that was made from pressed catnip. All the cats would play with it, slobber on it, then go pass out somewhere (not together). And there is nothing like a kitten in the house to liven things up. Love these pix.

  17. They look like busy kitties! Our old guy doesn't do much playing anymore. He likes sleeping time the best.

  18. They are so adorable and so fluffy, do you guys brush them a lot? My cats do not like to be brushed. Are you getting them special toys for christmas?


  19. LoL- I love that first picture - too cute! I just want to give them all a big, huge hug. There's nothing better than a little furball lovin'.

  20. That first picture looks like you were going cat fishing and caught a monster!! Very cute pics...keep them coming!!

  21. I need to get some more cat toys like the mouse on a string because our cat Tiger won't play with the toys that we have.

    Love the cute photos!

  22. Our cats go nuts for a feather on a string toy called "da bird." It's expensive, so I resisted it for years, but there's really nothing as good for making a cat dance the way it looks like Lu is doing in the photo.

  23. My favorite pics are still the ones that show the pile o' kitteh!

  24. Holy Cats!! I love those pics. Animals are too funny and add so much to our lives!

  25. CUTE! I love the "mouse hunting" pic! :D


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