Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lookalike: Across the Universe

I love when Alea (Pop Culture Junkie) does her lookalikes feature and Avis (She Reads and Reads) does her similiar covers feature.  You see, I rarely see these out - above what they've already shared.  But the other day, I was on the Frankfurt subway, and I kept seeing the following poster at the stations:

It's an ad for Dido and Aeneas at the Opera.  And it looks mysteriously like the cover for Beth Revis' forthcoming ACROSS THE UNIVERSE.

Yep - that's definitely the same girl!

By the way, there is still time to enter Beth's EPIC contest for ACROSS THE UNIVERSE and swag.  There are 100 prizes!!  What are you waiting for? (Contest ends Dec 20th)


  1. I love posts like this too! Probably the same photo shoot, too, but they made one of them turn around for the Across the Universe photo.

  2. That is completely the same girl! I turned my head upside down and everything haha LOVE this feature :)

  3. Heehee, I love it when someone catches things like this!! Thanks, Lenore!

  4. Am I the only one who thinks the women in those posters look like Disney cartoons?

    I wonder why it's so hard for the media to show women who look like...women.

  5. Good one, Lenore! And as Kathy noted, it's the same guy too. I wonder if they photoshopped the image and just reversed half of it.

    Thanks for linking to my posts!

  6. I'd say photoshop too. I go back and forth on whether I think that's the same guy though.

  7. It's the same guy too, just on the book cover he's reversed in position. :)

  8. Michelle - He just struck me as cuter on the book cover!

  9. WHAT! That is exactly the same just turned the same directions! Rip Off! ;)

  10. Woah nice find. It's interesting to see what is created with one pic/photo!

  11. hahahaha, I did about 3 double takes, it is without a doubt the same two people. Stock images perhaps?

  12. OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!! Thanks so much for posting that!!! That's awesome!!!!

    I now have an insane urge to go to Frankfurt just to see this for myself!


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