Thursday, December 30, 2010

Where My Last 20 Books Came From (11)

So one last time this year!  The source of my latest reads:

Zombies Vs Unicorns (audio) - Amazon Vine
Can You Get Hooked on Lipbalm? by Perry Romanowski - NetGalley
Radiance by Alyson Noel - BEA
Trance by Linda Gerber - BEA
Fall for Anything by Courtney Summers - Borrowed
Earth the Book by The Daily Show writers - Bought
Secrets to the Grave by Tami Hoag - Book tour
The Space Between Trees by Katie Williams - Unsolicited review copy (signed)
The Twin's Daughter by Lauren Baratz-Logsted - BEA
Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly - BEA
The Monstrumologist by Rick Yancey - Blog tour
Rosebush by Michele Jaffe - Frankfurt Book Fair
Nightshade City by Hilary Wagner - Sent for review by author (signed)
Don't Sing at the Table by Adriana Trigiani - Sent for review by author (signed)
A Long Walk to Water by Linda Sue Park - Won in a contest by author (signed)
Suspect by Kristin Wolden Nitz - Unsolicited review copy
The Mockingbirds by Daisy Whitney - Amazon Vine
Life After Yes by Aidan Donnelley Rowley - Sent for review by publicist
Across the Universe by Beth Revis - Sent for review by editor
The Secret Speech by Tom Rob Smith - Sent by publisher for book club

I see I need to do better on bought books!  Well, there's always next year...


  1. I'm hosting a very unofficial challenge called Clear Off Your Shelves. Stop by!

  2. My shelves of unread books are scary! I am wary of going near them at this point lest they come crashing down on me.


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