Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (14)

Today I have some shots of the kittens in action.

Lu with his prey (my - his tail is getting fluffy!).

Kaia gets caught licking Emmy (Do you see that sweet little tongue?).


  1. I bet there's never a dull moment at your house.

  2. How has Emmy taken to being den mother? She is looking pretty tolerant these days.

  3. That is a very sweet tongue. Kitty love, that is what that is.

  4. I'll bet they LOVE the radiator bed.

  5. I thought the first one looked like Lu was singing! Very cute photos. I just love coming over here on Tuesdays!

  6. Seriously...every day...your cats kill me with cuteness :)

  7. They are so cute! If my cats start grooming each other it's always a prelude to a fight. I've never had multiple cats before, so I don't know if that's normal or if I have odd cats.

  8. Oh my they are so adorable! I love when the cats lick each other, it's so endearing!

  9. Looks like Emmy was enjoying the lovin'! Adorable!

  10. LOVE! I have to show these pictures to my daughter. She is cat-crazy these days, but thanks to allergies in the family, can't have one. She has to live vicariously through others and would love these shots of such sweet (and fuzzy) kittehs!

  11. I am not exactly cat crazy, but I still luv ya kitties.

  12. My favorites are when they are all smushed together! :)

  13. They are all just so adorable! Gosh I wish we could have more than just one cat. Then again, I'm sure Rudy likes it that way.


  14. Ok, it's official--I'm in love with your cats. They are too darn cute Lenore!


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