Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Will Work For Prom Dress

So there's this fun site I discovered today:

Author Aimee Ferris is posting mystery prom photos from our favorite YA authors and kidlit people to promote her new book WILL WORK FOR PROM DRESS coming Feb. 8, 2011.

Interestingly enough, I am going to see my prom date this weekend (because he lives in Austin, TX now and we will be there for Daniel's IS YOUR BUFFALO READY FOR KINDERGARTEN? reading/signing at BookPeople - 11:30 am Saturday Jan 22nd) and he just posted our prom picture on Facebook.  So perfect opportunity to share it on the blog in all its cheesy glory.  Enjoy!


No, I don't know what's up with the horse in the background either.


  1. Amy - To be honest, I was there for all of 15 minutes!

  2. Ah, this picture isn't too bad. It could have been much worse! *declines to post her own prom picture*.

  3. I think you two look adorable and how fun that you're going to see him this weekend!

  4. Yes, what IS going on with that horse?

  5. @ Charley - I just looked in our yearbook, and it seems the theme was SAVED THE BEST FOR LAST. Still not any clearer what the horse is doing there.

  6. Well the bridle and reins match the balloons, so at least there was some color coordination going on.

  7. Love it Lenore! I couldn't even find a picture at this point from my prom, but that was about about 36 yrs ago. Yes, I'm O-L-D!!!!

  8. That's a great idea -- and the picture you posted is adorable!

  9. I didn't go to Prom, either. Iona from Pretty In Pink was right: it does make you feel like you've missed something.

  10. Pretty girl (and daring for sharing prom pics)! I suspect your theme must have been some sort of carnival something or other. The horse looks like it's off a carosel.

  11. Very cool picture, and Lenore, you look beautiful, but I am also intrigued by the horse with the balloons!

  12. That photograph is classically sweet.

    I eventually had to cut all my daughter's prom pictures in half, for the obvious reason....

  13. That's a fun promotion! My school didn't have prom, so I have no pictures with animals in the background to share:-)

  14. I'm so glad you're enjoying it!

    (Nice pic -- definitely Promapalooza worthy...)



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