Thursday, February 17, 2011

Book Review and Pre-order Giveaway: Bumped by Megan McCafferty

16 year old twins Melody and Harmony are meeting for the first time, and their ways of dealing with their world – a world in which a virus has made everyone over the age of 18 infertile – clash considerably. Melody has a lucrative conception contract, but Harmony thinks pregging for profit is a sin. Hilarity ensues.

I gulped down the pages of BUMPED while on a long plane ride and the story and characters so entranced me that I couldn’t bear to read anything else for days afterwards and break the spell.

McCafferty fully immersed me in her world, pulling me in immediately with a scene at a mall that showcased the conflicting personalities of her twin protagonists. Melody may be only 16, but she’s already jaded and world weary. Thanks to her more sheltered religious upbringing, Harmony is more naïve. When world famous Jondoe enters the picture to knock up Melody, both twins’ worldviews are challenged.

I loved the word choice, the scene construction, the cast of characters (especially Jondoe and his mysterious motivations), the themes…everything just came together into a damn near perfect reading experience.

BUMPED comes out on April 26, 2011 and since I can’t bear to part with my personalized ARC, I am offering up one copy as a pre-order from amazon (so US only this time). Just fill out this form to enter!

Also, read my interview with Megan.


  1. 5 Zombie Chickens! No way! I am going to HAVE to read this one...Thanks for the giveaway!

  2. Your enthusiasm for this book is contagious! Thanks for the great giveaway.

  3. I feel like if I don't read this book immediately the world is going to explode. ....and yet, I can't read it immediately, because there's no way to get it. Oh no! Better be careful or chaos may ensue.

  4. Wow, I'll definitely be putting this on my must read list! Sounds like great plot/char/everything all around, and thanks for the chance to read this (when you can't give away an ARC, that's a good sign)! :)

  5. Wow! What a great giveaway! I'm so excited!! It's great how dystopian novels are slowly working their way up the list of popular young adult novels :)

  6. After a recommendation like that I had to enter the giveaway! :)

  7. I saw this on Netgalley and now after reading your review for it I want to request it asap! ;)
    Sounds like a fantastic read.

  8. I wouldn't have picked this up, but now I really want to read it. Thanks!

  9. Wow; great recommendation! I have to read it now. I love a book that won't let me go after finishing it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  10. Wow Lenore! Thanks so much. I love Megan, have read all her other books, and cannot wait for Bumped! It's on my list for sure!! :)

  11. Wow! The fact that you read this book really quickly and then didn't want to read another for quite a few days afterward really speaks volumes about how good it was! That's a very persuasive recommendation!

  12. This sounds really interesting, thanks for the great giveaway.

    P. x

  13. Wow! Thank you for this opportunity!

    My sister got the chance to meet Megan McCafferty in Princeton this week and heard her talk about it, and we're both dying to read it. Your review has only made me want to read it even more!

  14. This must be amazing. I havent really been able to enjoy anything since I finished Divergent, and since I won't part with my ARC either I'm giving away a pre-order on my blog! You have me equally as excited for Bumped that I was for Divergent(and that takes a lot!!!).

    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  15. Great giveaway. I really really want to read this book. I hope I win so I don't have to wait until the end of April to have a chance to get my hands on it.

  16. I'm adding this one to my TBR right away. I just can't wrap my head around this one. Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. That sounds really good! Going to have to try that eventually.

  18. Your excitement over this one is rolling off the review! Love it.

    Thanks so much for the giveaway!

  19. I can't wait for this book! You're so lucky to be able to have read it already. I really enjoyed McCafferty's first series, and now that she's writing DYSTOPIAN fiction, it's a MUST!

  20. Okay, I'm sold! I definitely need to read this one! Thank you for the great review and the chance to win a copy.

  21. So many chickens, this must be good! I will definitely be reading this one.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  22. Thanks so much! This one sounds interesting.

  23. Neat concept! Like everyone else, I've got to say, your love for the book is positively catching! ;O)

  24. Oh a complete little row of chickens! I can't wait to read this one too!

  25. I've been looking forward to this one and now with all these zombie chickens, I'm looking forward to it even more!

  26. Thanks for offering the great giveaway. After reading your review and the buzz on other blogs I can't wait to get my hands on this one. Crossing my fingers!

  27. I really want to read Bumped (I hope my request on NetGalley is approved) and so I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  28. I've added this one to to read list after your review. Sounds great!

  29. Thanks for the giveaway! Looks like an excellent book choice :)

  30. I absolutely adores McCafferty's work and I am so excited to get my hands on this one. April cannot come soon enough. I have already pre-ordered my copy of it so no need to enter me in the giveaway. I'm so glad that you loved this one. I already can feel that I will love it too.

  31. This seems so different from the Jessica Darling series. I am intrigued. Will have to find myself a copy.


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