Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tell me which dystopian YOU want me to read and review!

I put together a short poll here where your voice can be heard :) Tell me which book from my pile I should definitely read and review before the end of this month.



  1. If you have DIVERGENT by Veronica Roth in your pile? READ IT READ IT READITREADITNOOOOW. Ahem. But yes, it's amazing. Best YA I've read this year, and I don't even LIKE Dystopian novels! Look, here's my review:

  2. As much as I love John Marsden's Tomorrow, When the War Began, it's not really dystopian. So I voted for something else as a Dystopian February, but you should definitely give Marsden's series (and the spin-off trilogy) a shot sometime in the future!

  3. The House of the Scorpion was my favorite as a kid.

  4. Zoe - I am reading DIVERGENT next, no worries!

    Amanda - I am pretty easy with what I classify as dystopian...

  5. I chose Grace for you because I found it extremely interesting and different...And it's a quick read. Second choice for me would've been The House of the Scorpion. I really like that one, but haven't read it in many years.

    And, Divergent is my all-time new favorite. Love it. Can't wait to buy multiple copies.

  6. I voted for Extras because I loved it:) Can't wait to read Divergent.

  7. House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer is amazing. You will most likely like it and have fun reading it, at least I hope so :)

  8. So glad you're reading Divergent next. That book is freaking AMAZING!!! *lusts* *loves* *soulmates it*

    I voted for Tomorrow When The War Began. Australia represent :D

  9. I voted for Tomorrow, When the War Began. It's good, and one of my favorite dystopian novels. You should also do a review of the film adaptation right after the book review. The film stayed honest to the origin and it definitely deserves the spotlight.

  10. I voted for Tomorrow, When the War Began by John Marsden - I loved this series. I'm so jealous I'm not able to watch the movie adaptation. Hopefully it will be release or available in the US soon.

  11. Divergent. Definately. It's brilliant.

  12. I picked House of Scorpion-I've seen it recommended so much. I would love to see a good review of it done.


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