Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (21)

Looks like someone forgot to close the door of the washing machine...

Silly Emmy!


  1. Emmy's just trying to escape the little terrors you brought into her life!

  2. Oh crap that gives me nightmares.

  3. Zomg! Heart Attack!

    It's almost as bad as the pictures of the kids sitting in the dryer! It's pretty cute though, minus the heart attack.

  4. I love how she's all ruffled like she just took a casual tumble for a new hairdo.
    Did you hear about the kitten a few weeks ago that crawled into a front loading washer, fell asleep and got washed? She amazingly survived, but what a horror when they went to take out their laundry!

  5. My two are ALWAYS trying to get into the dryer.

  6. Maybe it was warm in there. My cats try to crawl into anything warm. Rascal loves to sit in a laundry basket on the drawer, it has to have an old towel in it though. Allie crawled into the back of filing cabinet,wasn't sure she could get out, but she did. How cute.


  7. I think if my dog Bruce could climb into the dryer to get away from Lily he certainly would!!

  8. Awww, Emmy always finds cool places to hang out!

  9. So precious! I was always afraid that when our cats (and dog!) were young, that they'd climb into the dryer & we wouldn't notice. I've heard horror stories of such things happening. Luckily, it never did; I think they are all so afraid of the buzzer to get too close!

  10. My cats do this with the dryer all the time! Every time we leave the door open, it becomes kitty haven. We have to check before we use it, because we don't want any accidents.

  11. How cute, but it scared me at first.

  12. Emmy better be careful! If someone was less than attentive she could find herself in a terrible predicament.

  13. Lenore, I cannot tell you how many times I've stopped the dryer and looked inside just to make sure that the kitties hadn't jumped in there. Totally paranoid and THIS PHOTO DOES NOT HELP.

    However... she is the cutest thing, isn't she?

  14. So cute! Every time I do the laundry I double check that my cat isn't in there.

  15. Oh my, that does scare me a bit. It is cute though.

  16. I want my cat to do that someday. But for now, I don't actually have a washer/dryer in my apartment so she'll have to wait.

  17. Ok, that cat is adorable!

    As a child, I had a naughty cat named Baby Fatso, who somehow ended up in our washing machine, while it was on. I found him in there, soaking wet and meowing like crazy. I can't be sure of it, but I suspect my naughty little brother had something to do with it, although the cat did once sneak into our fridge and ate an entire turkey.

  18. OMGZZ! So cute! Absolutely adorable- I love the way she's looking at the camera. =)



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