Monday, March 7, 2011

Dystopian February Recap!

Thank you so much for bearing with me during my reduced Dystopian February.  Though I only had time to read half of what I planned to, most of what I did end up reading was amazing.

In fact, I had 3 reads this month that got the 5 Zombie Chicken rating - the most ever in one month!  Those books were:

Bumped by Megan McCafferty
Wither by Lauren DeStefano
Divergent by Veronica Roth

I also read and reviewed:

Can You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse? by Max Brallier 
Outside In by Maria V Synder
Wired by Robin Wasserman
Grace by Elizabeth Scott
The Girl Who Was on Fire, ed. by Leah Wilson

Drought by Pam Bachorz
Memento Nora by Angie Smibert

Those That Wake by Jesse Karp

I spotlighted several books and short stories that I read years ago:

The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
Examination Day by Henry Slesar
Never Let Me Go by Kazuo Ishiguro
The Gate to Women's Country by Sheri Tepper
Ella Minnow Pea by Mark Dunn
Into the Forest by Jean Hegland

I got to interview 3 lovely authors:

Megan McCafferty discusses Bumped
Pam Bachorz discusses Drought
Angie Smibert discusses Memento Nora

I did a massive preview post of upcoming books in the genre
Two cool bloggers wrote up their visions of dystopian mash-ups: Emily and Megan

Plus I had a bunch of contests!

Natalie at This Purple Crayon wins the mega prize pack for her review of Beth Revis' Across the Universe!
Lynossa at Deranged Book Lovers wins a copy of Drought by Pam Bachorz! *International winner*
Vivien of Wichita, KS wins a copy of Memento Nora by Angie Smibert!
Lindsay Cummings wins the marked up copy of Lauren Oliver's Delirium!
Lacey of Reading on the Run wins the pre-order of Bumped by Megan McCafferty!

I'll shoot the winners an e-mail to let them know their prizes on the way.

And yes - Dystopian August will be back!!! (I will be reading ahead a bit so that there will definitely be more reviews next time).  But we had fun didn't we?  Thanks for all your comments and participation and for generally making the month awesome.  You all rock!


  1. this is my favorite genre so i loved dystopian february! and i'm glad it will be in august as well! thanks! now i have a ton of new books to go read!

  2. Congrats to all of the winners! I cannot wait for August...I have a whole pile of books ready to read!

  3. Mmm love this stuff! I've found that some of it's great, some of it's not, but it's all sort of fun. ;O)

  4. Thanks so much for the Dystopian February!

    I've read several dystopain books in the past and have enjoyed all of them. I didn't realize until now that I really enjoyed this type of book in general.

    I've added several books to my amazon wish list from blog.

    I'm currenlty reading the Hunger Games.

    your friend and fan,
    from West Virginia.

  5. I had a great time with this and my students are loving all the new titles I have for them! Thanks for putting it all together!

  6. new GFC follower! love the blog, found it on the YA book blog directory! =] im excited to read more!! love dystopians, i wrote one myself =]

    follow me?!

  7. Congrats to everyone :D I'm looking forward to Dystopian August. I'll be reading Bumped shortly!

  8. Loved the February posts and am looking forward to August now as well! Congrats to all the winners!

  9. I've bookmarked this for the ones I missed!

    Some are already ones I'm planning to read but I'm always looking for more ;)

    Thanks for the collective post

  10. that list makes me feel like such a slacker! lol

  11. I love your dystopian months and enjoyed reading the reviews and features from this February!

  12. Thanks for hosting super fun event! I'll be back in August for sure!

  13. Sigh. Those poor workers in Wisconsin don't need to read about dystopia: they're living through it.

  14. I don't comment much but I do follow along with your dystopian months.


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