Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (37) + Buffalo Book Giveaway!

Daniel got his contract copies of TEACH YOUR BUFFALO TO PLAY DRUMS and Emmy wasted no time at all claiming them as her own.

But we'll brave her wrath to send two lucky readers a personalized copy of the newly released book! Get it for yourself or for little kids you know and indicate what pose you'd like to see the Buffalo strike.  Enter by filling out this form. Open internationally.


  1. I have a feeling Emmy owns everything in your place!

  2. I really hope there will be more buffalo books to follow this one. I can't get enough of that crazy buffalo! :)

  3. This is hilarious. My cat used to sit on my homework I'd spread across the floor.

  4. Looks like people are going to have a bit of a fight to get their hands on those books!

  5. My cat also adores the cases ;) I've participated for the soon son of my friends, but I don't know still his name, it's soon :)

  6. Emmy looks like she's as much of a reader as her parents are!

  7. next title, "Is Your Buffalo Ready for a Kitteh in the Family?"

    Too cute!

  8. Such an adorable little ball of fluff!!!!

  9. She knew that Daniel did the book. What a cutie.


  10. Isn't it funny that she chose that box to be the Queen of? LOL!

  11. Does Emmy prefer the books or the box - or Daniel? ;-)

  12. Tez - Honestly? It's all about the box :)

  13. Cute kitty! But when I saw the title said "return", I wondered where you were shipping her to!

  14. I hope the giveaway is still open - no date is mentioned for closing - because I would love to get that special buffalo pose for my kid! Have filled out the form :)


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