Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Writerly links & awesome covers!

Today I am over at Brave New Words talking a bit about why I write speculative fiction.  I may have spilled some LEVEL TWO secrets - so check it out!

Also, I donated a 10k critique to TLC Auctions to benefit YA blogger The Story Siren's 6 year old cousin who has cancer.  If you're a writer and you're looking for some honest feedback, this is a great, and most likely cheap, opportunity.  Bid here!

Apocalypsies have been revealing covers of their 2012 debut novels left and right lately.  Kimberly Sabatini posted them all in one handy post.

And lastly, I am super excited because Jess Rothenberg just unveiled her cover for THE CATASTROPHIC HISTORY OF YOU AND ME, due Jan 2012.

Isn't it gorgeous?! It's a book with an afterlife theme (you know I love those) and I can't wait to read it.  See the full summary & Add it on GoodReads!


  1. LOVE. The colors are fairly simple but vibrant and beyond gorgeous. AND blurbed by Lauren Oliver aka afterlife writer goddess. :D

  2. I'm really excited for this one too!

  3. This is the first time I have heard of this -- it looks and sounds amazing!

  4. If you're telling me to put a book on my list it's there! Now running over to read your words of wisdom :)

  5. Hooray for link love! Also -- yes, very cool cover!

  6. Definitely an eye-catching cover. Thanks for sharing :)


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