Friday, October 21, 2011

24 Hour Read-a-thon + Emmy eats a button

So, Dewey's 24 Hour Readathon is tomorrow and for once it's not scheduled the weekend of the Frankfurt Book Fair!

I do need to catch up on my reading before going into my revision cave for LEVEL TWO, but I may not get much reading done tomorrow depending on what's going on with my cat Emmy. 

For those of you not in my twitter and Facebook loop, Emmy wasn't eating and kept vomiting so we took her to the vet. They did an ultrasound and discovered an inflamed intestine.  Today she had surgery and the vet pulled out a button - which was the best case scenario.  We're very relieved.

Assuming I do have reading time tomorrow, here's what I hope to get read:

Finish up EVERLOST by Neal Shusterman
YOU ARE MY ONLY by Beth Kephart
CINDER by Marissa Meyer
DARK INSIDE by Jeyn Roberts

And I expect I'll be around to cheerlead a bit too.


  1. I hope your kitty will make a full recovery! And yay for participating in the readathon! It's so much fun :)

  2. I'm glad it was just a button. I wonder what in the world she was thinking.

  3. Poor baby. I am glad the button was found and she is on the mend! I will be readathoning tomorrow too and You are my Only is on my list too!

  4. Poor Emmy! I hope she has a quick recovery and you have a wonderful readathon!

  5. I totally sympathize, Topaz ate ribbon many years ago and got incredibly ill. It was touch or go for awhile, but the good news is she pulled through and it was a "funny" story for many years after!

  6. I'm sorry to hear about poor kitty, but at least it was something solveable, that I hope she'll bounce back from!

  7. Cats eat strange things... I am glad she is okay!

    Have fun with the readathon this weekend!

  8. Poor kitty! I hope she feels better. Good luck on the readathon - I'll be participating for the first time!

  9. I'm so glad you found out what was making her sick! I hope you have time to get lots of reading done tomorrow!

  10. Oh good luck! I LOVED LOVED LOVED A Faithful PLace. Enjoy!

  11. Poor Emmy! I'm so glad the vet got the button out of there. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery.

  12. Oh my, imhope she's doing much better now that they got it out. I'm always worried about Sam because he eats everything.

  13. Good luck! I wish I could participate but I've got a busy day tomorrow. Someday I'm going to get to do the 24 hour Read-A-Thon again!!

  14. Aww poor little fur baby, I'm so so glad to hear she's okay after all.

    I haven't read any of the books you are planning on reading but I see many that are on my wishlist and I'll be curious to hear your thoughts if you do get some reading time.

  15. Sorry to hear about your kitty... we are having sad puppy problems here and yeah... my life is up in the air because of it. Not sure what we are going to do yet.

    Hoep you enjoy some reading time... I seem to be having more fun checking out what everyone else is reading... I really need to hit the books ;)

  16. OMG, Lenore - just reading this! Poor Emmy - but at least you were able to find the button and it was not something unfixable. Sending healing thoughts her way!

  17. So glad Emmy is going to be OK. Such a relief for you!

    Good luck with the readathon! :)

  18. The things our pets eat!! I'm glad they found it and she will make a full recovery. Hope you got some reading in today1

  19. I'm so glad everything is ok with Emmy and that it wasn't something more serious! Cat illness can be so scary.

  20. Glad to know it was fixable!

    My Chaucer-cum-goat-kitteh had the same trouble only he ate a length of sewing thread - and then all sorts of things, including the spare wire off the mandoline cheese slicer! Luckily, the wire is metallic and showed up on X-ray so he got fast-tracked to surgery :)

    (and he still likes to eat non-food items - glad Emmy will be OK!)

  21. I hope that you got to read Dark Inside. It's one of my 2011 favourites. You Are My Only is on my reading list for November.

    Poor kitty :(

  22. Egads, that cat! I'm glad she's ok poor thing.


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