Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Return of Cat Tuesday (48)

Emmy's home with us again after her button removal surgery. Though she's super skinny, she's eating well and cuddling which is encouraging.

My readathon on Saturday was interrupeted by the arrival of my edits for LEVEL TWO (though I did get one book read - YOU ARE MY ONLY by Beth Kephart - which I will post a review for this week).

In any case, the next couple of weeks will be very writing/revising centric as I go through my editor's excellent suggestions for making LEVEL TWO the best book it can be. 

That is, if Kaia will ever let me ... ;)


  1. Kaia's trying to be helpful by holding it open for you! I'm so excited for you and Level Two!!

  2. I hope everything goes well with your rewrites!

  3. My cats always try and walk back in forth in front of the screen while I'm on the computer!

  4. Her's just helping! She wants to help. And welcome home Emmy. She would like some fish please. Good luck on your editing. I hear that is a real arduous phase...

  5. Cuteness! So glad the surgery went well.

  6. Glad to hear that Emmy is home and doing better. I also hope that the edits go well. I have a feeling those can take a lot of attention and time, and it looks like Kaia wants to be as helpful as possible during this time :)

  7. Ooh I really should've read the posts in order!

    Anyway, I'm glad your kitty is feeling much better!

  8. Nah, don't think Kaia is moving anytime soon! Glad that Emmy is home, I'm sure she feels much better now!!

    I'm getting excited about your book!!!!

  9. Hope the edit review goes well. So exciting that you're already at this stage.

  10. YAY for edits arriving. I hope they go well.


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