Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Apocalypsies Love! Book Review: Ditched by Robin Mellom

Apocalypsies Love is all about me telling you what I loved about a 2012 debut book written by one of the amazing Apocalypsies. I also chat with the author to gain insight into their very favorite parts of their creation.

Today, I'm featuring DITCHED: A LOVE STORY, a YA contemporary about a girl's prom night from hell that's a bit like a teen HANGOVER. 

First of all, I love the unique narrative frame of DITCHED. At a convenience store, after being dumped on the side of the road, Justina tells a sympathetic clerk the story of her nightmare prom by explaining how she got each and every stain on her ruined prom dress. This was such a fun, fresh way to tell the classic "prom sucked" story! 

Justina's voice was entertaining.  She has the tendency to go off on tangents and is slightly crazy cakes when her blood sugar gets low, but you want the best for her.  And it is to her credit that you still believe in her even when her story gets ridiculously implausible.

And now let's talk about her prom date and good friend Ian. She'd come to the point where she'd planned to declare her love for him with the perfect kiss pre-prom. But - obviously something went very wrong. Is Ian a scumbag? Or is it Justina's own fault? This comedy of errors highlights Justina's  undeniable chemistry with Ian and ends with bang.

Now let's chat with Robin!

What is your favorite scene in the book?
There is a scene where four teens are pulled over by a cop and must get out of the situation. I decided to make the police officer young (very young), and writing this situation where a rookie cop must deal with some witty teenagers was just too much fun.

What is your favorite line in the book?
“Allyson Moore…I mean, what was it exactly that he couldn’t resist? Surely it wasn’t her remarkable intelligence—the girl thinks monogamy is a type of dark wood.”

Ha! Yes - that line made me laugh out loud. What setting was most fun to write?
I loved writing the 7-Eleven scenes. Every other chapter the story switches back to present time where the main character explains what happened the night before to some very opinionated ladies at the convenience store. They also indulge in numerous 7-Eleven snacks (slurpees, corndogs, nachos, corn nuts!) so food plays a big part, thus my enjoyment in writing it.

It's no secret I love corndogs! Who is your favorite supporting character - one you could see getting a spin-off book - and why?
One character actually will be getting a spin-off book—Serenity, the firecracker friend Justina makes during the night. Serenity was my favorite supporting character and I wanted to know more about her backstory and what finding love would look like for a kick-ass girl like her. Serenity does just that in my next book when she finds herself in jail in BUSTED.

Can't wait! Keeping my fingers crossed that Ian makes another appearance. What has been your favorite part of your publishing journey so far?
Working with my editor to make my books better has been an amazing experience. It takes a special person to motivate you while simultaneously pushing you further than you thought you were capable. The collaboration process has been very fulfilling and I’m fortunate to have an editor who truly “gets” what I’m trying to do and knows how to yank the best out of me. 

Thanks Robin!


Intrigued by DITCHED? It came out Tuesday in hardcover. Find out more about it at the author's website and add it to Goodreads. You can read the first chapter of Ditched here:

FTC disclosure: Review copy from NetGalley


  1. YAY DITCHED! I can't wait to read this one. Great interview, Lenore & Robin.

  2. I loved Ditched and I loved the interview. So excited that Serenity will be getting a spin-off. She was awesome! Oh and I'm also hoping for a surprise appearance from Ian and Justina in Busted. =)

  3. I just posted my review of Ditched today. It was such a fun read. A nice ordinary but somewhat extraordinary life adventure. Total escapism at its best!

  4. This does seem to be a very unusual and interesting way for the author to explore her story, and now you've got me more than intrigued about this one! I especially like that you mentioned that she gets a little crazy when her blood sugar gets low.

  5. Great interview! Such a unique story.


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