Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Return of Cat Tuesday (59)

Lu has this thing about jumping on everything and everyone.  Lately we find him in the craziest places, like on top of our clothes drying rack ...


  1. Well, I'm sure it had a wet belly and needed some air drying.

  2. I always love your cat pictures! Sometimes I think my cats spend their entire day just trying to find cute places to sit.

  3. That doesn't look very comfy, and yet he looks like he'd rather be nowhere else.

  4. That doesn't even look comfortable but somehow he's pulling it off.

  5. Too cute! I can't believe he's actually able to stay up there.

  6. haha, that's awesome! We find our cat in the most random places, too...

  7. So cute, but doesn't that hurt lol?

  8. I find it amazing that he can look very relaxed!!

  9. I pick a different "favorite" of your kittehs every week. This week, LU is my favorite!

  10. What a silly kitty! Way too cute. Thanks for sharing!

    Also, we were at our local library and they had Teach Your Buffalo to Play Drums in their "New" books section! :)


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