Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Return of Cat Tuesday (58)

Can we all get along?

Hmmm... maybe not ...


  1. Oh my, he/she didn't want Emmy up there! (At least I think that's Emmy.)

  2. Emmy doesn't want Lu to come up. Emmy thinks she's top cat, and must defend her position at all costs ;)

  3. OK that got a belly laugh out of me this morning! A pecking order is what you have!

  4. Emmy is like our Bill. He would not want anyone else to get up there either!

  5. Of course, because the top shelf looks like prime kitty-territory, regardless of whether it is already occupied by the alpha kitty.

    Mine do that all the time - hey, his patch of sun looks better than mine so I'm gonna nip him to make him move.

    And cue the kitty smackdown.

  6. Well I can understand Emmy, since she is the older cat. We have to stick up for our rights. Very cute picture.


  7. Oh, poor lil guy! Wanting to be a part of the group! :) Too funny. My dog and cat get along famously, but every now and again... the cat must rule.

  8. They are so cute!!! The little stinkers lol
    Seems like I read somewhere that the *highest* position is the most dominant.

  9. Aw... Poor Lu. These posts are my favorite ever :)

  10. I miss out on all the drama only having one cat... Considering how Casey dominates my mother's cats, though, I would think she would probably be the alpha. (We took her over to visit. She seems to like the car and I would like to encourage that for future vet visits.)

  11. Did you her eyes red or the camera? Kinda reminds me of that youtube video.

  12. Hahaha I love that they each have their own level - too cute!


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