Monday, January 2, 2012

2011 in Review: Highlights Month by Month

So, 2011 was seriously epic.  Here are some of the blog, travel, and writing highlights. (Links go to my posts for more information).


I shared my prom picture after discovering the site

Daniel signed copies of IS YOUR BUFFALO READY FOR KINDERGARTEN? at BookPeople in Austin, TX and I got to hang out with Jenny and Posh of Forever Young Adult and Amanda G.  We might have also sang karaoke ...

I rewrote the first chapter of LEVEL 2 and wrote four more chapters in preparation for the SCBWI winter conference in NYC. Then I read the fine print of the writer's intensive that said I should only present material that was ready to submit. Ended up presenting a picture book text to an agent and (in a weird twist of fate) my future editor instead.

Daniel and I met up with Steph Su in Philly and then got stuck in Snowmageddon.


Daniel and I accepted an offer of representation from Foundry agent Stephen Barbara.

Dystopian February was reduced due to my needing to write four additional chapters of LEVEL 2 by the end of the month.


I announced the sale of my first novel LEVEL 2 to Simon & Schuster BFYR. Film rights optioned by CBS Films, Audio rights acquired by Listening Library, and Brazilian rights sold as well. Also, 246 comments on my announcement post is pretty WOW.  Thanks for your support, guys!


Since LEVEL 2 sold on a 9 chapter partial manuscript, I spent all of April writing.  The blog kinda suffered.

We attended the wedding of good friends Chris and Vicky in Cordoba, Spain. I've never seen so much meat in my life.


On Friday, May 20th, I typed "The End" on my first draft of LEVEL 2.

I attended BEA in NYC.  It was a whirlwind of bookish activities: publisher previews and parties, lunch with my editor and agent, lunch with my audio book editor, musical hotel rooms (I stayed nights with my critique partner Ann, Michelle of Galleysmith, the Forever Young Adult girls and an epic author/blogger slumber party at the home of Leila Sales), dinner with the Agave gang, fried chicken with Chelsy & The Book Smugglers, lunch with Adriana Trigiani and book bloggers, drinks with AS King and Natalie Standiford, the Book Blogger Convention (where I was on a panel), The Teen Author Carnival (where I moderated the debut author panel), meeting and hanging out with new and old friends, and much more.  There was so much going on, I was barely on the BEA show floor.  But I did get a few books in the end.

Vania took my author photo! I posted the finalists on the blog, and you all helped me choose.

Daniel and I flew to South America to visit Argentina and Uruguay. I recapped our trip to Iguazu Falls.


Daniel's second book, TEACH YOUR BUFFALO TO PLAY DRUMS, released.

I joined the Apocalypsies (group of debut authors in 2012) and the group blog Brave New Words.


LEVEL 2 sold to Usborne in the UK.

I participated in Nerds Heart YA for the 3rd year in a row.  This time I judged the semi-finals, where Dark Water by Laura McNeal defeated A Love Story Starring my Dead Best Friend by Emily Horner.


Daniel and I fulfilled our years long dream of selling a joint picture book.  CHICK-O-SAURUS REX will come out with Simon & Schuster BFYR in Spring 2013. Add to Goodreads.

I staged the biggest Dystopian August ever with 24 book reviews, 20 giveaways, 29 author interviews and more.


LEVEL 2 sold Turkish rights.  Also Australian/New Zealand rights went to Allen & Unwin.

Presenting Lenore won Best Author Interviews for the 2nd year in a row during Book Blogger Appreciation Week.

I spent some time in the US to attend the wedding of friends Philipp and Anna in CT,  met a bunch of Apocalypsies as well as hung out with my DC book blogger buddies. Went to a Fleet Foxes concert in Tulsa, OK.


I attended the Frankfurt Book Fair.

I finished the second draft of LEVEL 2.

Our cat Emmy swallowed a button and we spent over 1000 Euro at the vet for a surgery to save her life.

Went to Tori Amos concerts in Luxembourg (2nd row), Hamburg (2nd row), Berlin (2nd row), Frankfurt (5th row) and Essen (2nd row).


Visited the Usborne offices in London. Went to Tori Amos concerts in London (6th row and 1st row) and Manchester (2nd row) where I met up with book bloggers Carla and Ana.

Got LEVEL 2 revisions and line edits from my editor.  Turned in revision (3rd draft) on November 21st.

Wrote a post about whether I should continue reviewing books on my blog.  Lots of good advice in the comment section!

Kicked off my new Apocalypsies Love feature with a review of Miranda Kenneally's CATCHING JORDAN.


After getting feedback from beta readers, turned in an updated draft of LEVEL 2 to editor.

Joined the group blog League of Extraordinary Writers.

Wrote a letter to 20-something me as a guest post for The Reclusive Bibliophile.

Met up with fellow Apocalypsies Veronica Rossi (UNDER THE NEVER SKY) and Tamara Ireland Stone (TIME BETWEEN US) in Oakland, CA. Visited friends and family in OH, CA, TX and KS.

Went to Tori Amos concerts in Oakland (8th row), Austin (6th row) and Dallas (2nd row).

Whew - I hope I didn't miss anything!  Here's to hoping 2012 is as successful and fun as 2011.


  1. I'm worn out just reading this. LOL. So glad I was able to spend time with you in 2011. What an awesomely exciting year.

  2. I am very impressed. It is all I can do to do my daily blog. Your success is inspiring. Any tips for me on how to move on??

  3. Wow! What a year! I hope 2012 is as great (although better for Emmy).

  4. Looks like you had an amazing year, Lenore. I'm so very impressed by everything you did.

    Happy New Year! :-D

  5. I'm with Beth, completely worn out just reading this! I love that wedding picture. It looks lovely.

  6. Somehow I missed the button incident. Good Lord these cats. We dropped over a grand on one of our cats when he broke his leg. Isn't that special, but what are ya gonna do? I just have to say how proud I am of you. You are living the dream.

  7. What a year! I just know 2012 is going to be even better for you and Daniel!!

  8. WOW! What a truly impressive year! It is going to be hard to top that one! Here's wishing you all the best in 2012!

  9. You had such an amazing year, Lenore! Well, except for the button, but in light of everything else that happened, I think you can overlook that! I hope that this year brings another long list of accomplishments and happiness for you and Daniel!

  10. Wow--you had a seriously AMAZING and eventful year!

  11. I'm so glad I got to see you THREE TIMES in 2011. Let's hope for four in 2012, eh?

  12. What a busy year for both of you. I bet the year flew by. Hope you have a great 2012. I am so proud of both of you. Love you.


  13. Congratulations to you and Daniel on the books being published!! I've been out of the blogging loop so I missed this! Your new book sounds wonderful! All the best for 2012!!

  14. Sounds like an awesome but really busy year!! Can't wait to read Level 2!

    Here's to a wonderful 2012!!

  15. YAY!! This is awesome - so glad I got to see you TWICE last year!! I am for sure coming to Frankfurt this year for chocolates and kitteh love!


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