Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dystopian Feb Recap Week 5

I am so sorry this recap is one week late ... but here's what went down on the last few days of Dystopian Feb:

Book Reviews:

THE SELECTION by Kiera Cass (Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for Romance)

MASQUE OF THE RED DEATH by Bethany Griffin (Zombie Chicken Merit Badge for Worldbuilding)


Genn Albin previews CREWEL (FSG/Oct 2012)

Elizabeth Richards previews BLACK CITY (Penguin/Nov 2012)

Kiera Cass talks THE SELECTION and Apocalypsies Love!


Upcoming Dystopian Sequels 

Upcoming Dystopian Novels (non-sequels)


Masque of the Red Death by Bethany Griffin ARC
#80 Celine F of The Netherlands

Black City by Elizabeth Richards ARC
#13 Angela M from WV already won
#38 Laura D from TN

Apocalypsies Dystopian Starter Pack
#156 Minna W from MO

Apocalypsies Dystopian Starter Pack Runners Up
#8 Adrienn S from Hungary
#9 Carina O from Norway

Mari Mancusi Tomorrow Land Prize Pack
#63 April X from MO

Struck by Jennifer Bosworth ARCs
#12 Mallorie C from TX
#49 Tiffany P from AL

This Is Not a Test by Courtney Summers Preorders
#46 Melannie L from Mexico
#154 Debbie S from VA

HarperCollins Prize Pack
#55 Zoey (get in touch with your address!)

MacMillan Prize Pack Runner-Up (2 book prize)
Cornelia from Sweden

A big thank you goes out to prize sponsors, authors, and my readers for making #dystopianfeb so awesome.  See you in Dystopian August!


  1. Whoah! I won something! Sweet :)

  2. If it has been two weeks since your last review, shouldn't this be Week 6?

    Time stops for no [wo]man.

    Or since we are distopian here:

    Time is the fire in which we burn. ~Delmore Schwartz


  3. Oh, I never really expexted to win anything :O Thanks! Dystopian February is great!

  4. Thanks for a great event Lenore and congrats to the winners.

  5. Lenore, thank you for such a fabulous event, all the great dystopians & giveaways!!! Just in the last year I've become such a fan this genre and I really enjoy visiting your site :D


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