Friday, April 13, 2012

Book Review: Au Revoir, Crazy European Chick by Joe Schreiber

When Perry's parents make him take their odd Lithuanian exchange student Gobi to prom, Perry is not pleased - he has a gig that night with his band in Manhattan. But Gobi is not at all who she seemed to be for the past nine months and Perry is in for the scariest, most exciting night of his life.

This novel is pure male adventure fantasy - with the car chases (in a Jaguar no less), a femme fatale, explosions, murders, thugs, torture, etc.  Perry has good reason to think Gobi is crazy and she has good reason to be the way she is.  Not that there's a huge amount of character development - it's very much about the high-octane thrills.  It's a fun, quick read with a really awesome title.

AU REVOIR, CRAZY EUROPEAN CHICK is available now.  Find out more about it at the author's website.

FTC disclosure: I borrowed this from a friend.


  1. I just checked out the audiobook of this one at the library. Sounds like it will be a fun read. Seems like a good book to recommend to my boys who are into movies like The Bourne Identity.

  2. I remember this being talked about at BEA last year. I still have it to read. I keep hearing good things about it but obviously I need to read it.

  3. This one was a little too far fetched for me. It was okay, but I wasn't crazy about it. Maybe male readers will like it more.

  4. I'm normally all for male adventure books, but this one didn't go over so well with me. It was certainly well-written, so I feel bad that I didn't like it enough to pick up the (eventual) sequel.

  5. I thought this book was a ton of fun-definitely a change from the character-driven novels I read. I'm very interested to find out what will happen in the sequel!


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