Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Last Seven Books I Bought

Charlotte revealed the last seven books she purchased on her blog on Monday, and I thought I'd do it too.

So let's see.

My most recent purchase was today.  I ordered:

CRACKED by KM Walton as a gift for Kelly Jensen from Stacked. Because the book rocks and so does she. This is the third copy I've bought, so obviously I quite like it.

ZERO THE HERO by Joan Halub. Because Daniel wants it.

The Hunger Games: Official Illustrated Movie Companion. Uh... because I needed to order something more for the free shipping.

Let's see what else?

STARTERS by Lissa Price. In German. From the Children's Bookshop around the corner. To hang out with the US version I bought.

WHERE IS FRED? by Edward Hardy. Because I saw it reviewed on a blog and it looked super cute. (It is!)

WILDWOOD by Colin Meloy.  Because Daniel saw a write-up about it on Der Spiegel and asked "Why don't we have this?!"

A preorder of REUNITED by Hilary Graham. Because I read the galley, love it, and must have the hardcover for my shelf.

And those are my most recent book acquisitions! What are yours?


  1. I love that Daniel wanted to know why you didn't have Wildwood.

  2. I really want to read Cracked, and need to order it soon. I love your new purchases and think that I need to go book shopping as well!

  3. I really want a copy of Wildwood, but haven't purchased yet. I mostly only buy used books or books as add ons to get to $25 on Amazon. I did do that recently bc a Daniel Halpin book (Jenna & Jonah's Fauxmance) was on sale for only 1.25. Could not pass that up.

    I also got quite a haul at a local used book store last week, which you can see in my IMM at the bottom.

  4. Just finished Wildwood, would be curious to know what you think if you read it. I'll have to check out Cracked. Thanks for sharing!

  5. the german cover looks creepy
    i like it lol

  6. I can't wait to read WILDWOOD. I may have to check CRACKED out.

  7. I really like the German cover of Starters...significantly more so than the US cover. I picked up Daughter of the Forest and Jellicoe Road last week, I really want to get Wildwood as well!

  8. Hope you enjoy your new reads.

  9. If my hubby was like Daniel we'd be in big trouble! :)

  10. My last buys are Cracked, The Ask and the Answer, and Study in Scarlet (just now getting started on Sherlock Holmes stuff :) ). The only one I've read so far is Cracked, and I loved it a lot.

  11. I want Zero the Hero too!

    (I wonder how many books I've bought just to get up to the free shipping threshold....)

  12. Oh, I love the German cover of Starters. I think the Us cover is a little creepy...

  13. I agree with you. The cover of Where is Fred is so cute.

    Rumpelstiltskin and Co.

  14. Nice group. I haven't read any of them. Mr. BFR buys most of the books that come into our house, except graphic novels. I think I bought 3 last week.

  15. I really must be missing something with Wildwood. I tried to read it, but it wasn't going well. I am going to have to try again.

  16. I want to read Wildwood! That cover art is absolutely gorgeous. Hope it's awesome. =)


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