Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Return of Cat Tuesday (65)

Yes, I am aware that I missed the past two Cat Tuesdays. So to make up for it, I am offering three fab pictures today of kitties sleeping.

Lu sleeping

Kaia sleeping

Emmy sleeping

You're welcome ;)


  1. I want to pick them up and hold and cuddle them. I do love me some kitties!!

    I shall have to visit regularly for more pictures.

  2. Oh My Goodness!!! SOOOO Cute!!! This is just what I needed!

  3. I don't think there's anything more adorably silly than cats sleeping. They sprawl out so crazy :)

  4. Awwww, I want a cat. Forget the need to breathe (allergic). That's why oxygen tanks were made :-)

  5. They are all so cute, but that pic of Lu is the cutest!

  6. Ooohhh they look so cute :) I am missing my cat ..

  7. I always want to cuddle with them because they look so soft!

  8. Cats are notorious for sleeping in the most incredible positions, as evidenced by Lu! I loved these photos, Lenore, thanks for sharing them!

  9. I love how Kaia and Emmy look so dainty when asleep and Lu is just sprawled over his bed :)

  10. Omg so so so so cute! I especially love the very first picture. I always giggle when my cats have their mouths open like that!

  11. That is too cute, don't they look like angels when they are sleeping. See you soon.


  12. still getting used to owning a cat, trying to win him over and not run in fear whenever I appear.
    thinking belly rubs will do it. he loves them.

  13. adorable, adorable and adorable! I can never see too many pictures of your kittehs!


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