Monday, August 20, 2012

Apocalypsies Love! Book Review: What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang + Giveaway

Addie and Eva share a body in an world where everyone is born with two souls. At a young age, the recessive soul is supposed to fade away, but Eva clings to life - a risky existence in a world where hybrids are considered dangerous. 

As the sister trapped in a body she can no longer control, Eva narrates the sisters harrowing story.  Her voice is what makes this novel work so well. She knows that Addie's life would be better in many ways without her, but she also knows that Addie needs her and loves her. How heartbreaking is that?

Addie may be the dominant sister, but her choices are tough too.  Can she - and should she - give Eva the possible chance to regain some control over their shared body? And if she does, can she live with what Eva decides to do with it? 

Complicating their situation further, the sisters have a younger brother who is sick and depends on the government to stay alive. This presents a horrible dilemma for their parents -- which child should they prioritize? Which child has the better chance in life? The physically sick one or the mentally sick one?

There are no easy answers in this compelling exploration of sisterly bonds, government oppression and the right to life.

Because Kat is an Apocalypsie (Debut Author 2012), we get an Apocalypsies Love interview today too!

What is your favorite scene in the book?
That's so hard to answer! I'm not sure if I have a favorite scene. The ones I like the most are all rather spoiler-y, so I won't mention them now ;) My favorite non-spoiler-y scene would probably be the scene in Hally's room, right before Ryan shows up for the first time. Wow, I guess that was really vague :P I dunno!

What is your favorite line in the book?
This might not be the exact wording, but: "I would always wonder what might have happened if we'd listened." :)

What setting was most fun to write?
Nornand! Although, it was a difficult setting to write at times, too.

Who is your favorite supporting character - one you could see getting a spin-off book - and why?
Hmm, I have two in mind, but one is less spoiler-y than the other, so I'll go with her :) I enjoy writing Hally a lot because she's so different from Eva, and it's fun to go in a completely different direction sometimes. There's a lot to her and her story that doesn't make it into the book.

What has been your favorite part of your publishing journey so far?
Definitely getting to meet so many other authors and readers and industry professionals. It's been so amazing to get involved in this community! :D

WHAT'S LEFT OF ME comes out on September 18, 2012. I have one hardcover copy of WHAT'S LEFT OF ME provided by HarperCollins up for grabs! To enter, fill out this form by August 31, 2012 at 11:59 pm CST. Open US only.

Visit the author's website for more information.

See index of all dystopian reviews at Presenting Lenore

FTC disclosure: ARC from BEA (Thanks to Katie Babs!)


  1. I'm getting really excited to read What's Left of Me, it looks like a unique and emotional read. Thanks for the review and interview!

  2. What's Left of Me sounds great! Thank you for the review and giveaway!

  3. This sounds like a very complex and deep book that poses lots of intriguing and rather difficult questions, and now you've got me completely hooked! I definitely need to read this one when it comes out. Very scary, but also intensely interesting!

  4. Loved this one. Zhang's story telling and world building were both so completely unique. There was so much thinking involved. :)

  5. Great review and interview! And thank you for the giveaway! I love the premise of this book- it's fresh.

  6. I really want to know why the parents have to choose between their daughter(s) and the physically sick child!

  7. I love the world building in a novel, and I think this world is one I want to get lost in for a while.

  8. This is the first I have heard of this book and it does sound good. Onto the wish list it goes!


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