Friday, October 19, 2012

Latest LEVEL 2 Links and News

Less than three months before LEVEL 2 releases, and I have lots of news and updates!

1. LEVEL 2 got an excellent review from Kirkus! They call it an "Imaginative debut" and "An absorbing, sensitive read." Unless you're a Kirkus subscriber, you won't be able to read the full review until two weeks before pub date, but here it is: LEVEL 2 Kirkus review

2. The jacket of LEVEL 2 will feature three blurbs from amazing authors that I admire!

“A gripping debut! This utterly unique take on the afterlife poses fascinating questions . . . I can't wait to read the rest of the series to find out the answers!”—Megan McCafferty, New York Times bestselling author of Bumped and Thumped
“Appelhans brings the afterlife to a whole new level. . . . A high-voltage thrill ride through love, death, and memory that will leave you breathless.”—Jess Rothenberg, author of The Catastrophic History of You and Me
“Absolutely gripping. My heart pounded on nearly every page. You won't be able to put it down.”—Mary E. Pearson, award-winning author of the Jenna Fox Chronicles

3. LEVEL 2's UK publisher Usborne has put up the first chapter for all to read. Remember, if you want to read more, you can also check out the first four chapters at The Memory Chronicles Facebook page.

Level 2 UK cover flat

4. Usborne has also created this incredibly cool #nailart board on Pinterest. Felicia is big into painting her nails, so she'd love this! Plus - I finally joined Pinterest and you can find me here.

5. Author Meagan Spooner has a fab new feature called Write Space and she's featured me. You can check out where I do my writing and reading plus see the stack of paper I used while LEVEL 2 evolved. Also - there's a chance to win an ARC of LEVEL 2!! (Enter by Oct 30th)

6. Jessica of Confessions of a Bookaholic featured LEVEL 2 as part of her Haunted Halloween celebration. You can read three paragraphs of the Halloween scene in LEVEL 2 (I couldn't include any more than that because it comes pretty late in the novel and more would have been spoilery!) Here's another chance to win an ARC of LEVEL 2! (Hurry - ends today!)

7.  The sequel to LEVEL 2, tentatively titled LEVEL 3, is now up on Goodreads - add it to your to-read list!

8. Simon & Schuster added a tagline to the LEVEL 2 cover, so here's what you'll see in stores:

Only 87 more days!


  1. How exciting. Can't wait to read it!

  2. I can't wait to read it. Congrats! So exciting

  3. Congrats Lenore! I'm so happy for you! I'm in the middle of reading Level Two and I love it so far! :) Psyched for the release day!

  4. How awesome is all of this???? I'm way beyond excited for you and can't wait for the release date because I pre-ordered this one for my Kindle!! The postcards and magnet arrived cool. I love the cover!!

  5. OK, I am infamous for hating taglines (not really, I'm actually infamous for hyperbole), but I LOVE that one! :)

    So awesome Lenore!

  6. Congratulations!!! <3
    I can't wait to own this! :)

  7. I just adore your cover. You must be so excited.


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