Sunday, October 21, 2012

YAmazing Race with MGnificent Prizes - Featuring Level 2

I'm so thrilled to be participating in the third and final YAmazing Race with MGnificent Prizes, a massive blog hop featuring over 50 debut authors, and prize packs that include books, gift certificates, swag, and more! If you haven’t yet been to the Apocalypsies website, please click here to start from the beginning and read the complete rules. Now on to the race!

NOTE: The race IS NOW OVER! Thanks to everyone who participated - you rock :)


In this gripping exploration of a futuristic afterlife, a teen discovers that death is just the beginning.  
Since her untimely death the day before her eighteenth birthday, Felicia Ward has been trapped in Level 2, a stark white afterlife located between our world and the next. Along with her fellow drones, Felicia passes the endless hours reliving memories of her time on Earth and mourning what she’s lost—family, friends, and Neil, the boy she loved. 
Then a girl in a neighboring chamber is found dead, and nobody but Felicia recalls that she existed in the first place. When Julian—a dangerously charming guy Felicia knew in life—comes to offer Felicia a way out, Felicia learns the truth: If she joins the rebellion to overthrow the Morati, the angel guardians of Level 2, she can be with Neil again. 
Suspended between Heaven and Earth, Felicia finds herself at the center of an age-old struggle between good and evil. As memories from her life come back to haunt her, and as the Morati hunt her down, Felicia will discover it’s not just her own redemption at stake… but the salvation of all mankind.
LEVEL 2 is book 1 of The Memory Chronicles and comes out January 15, 2013 from Simon & Schuster in the US (preorder here), Usborne in the UK (preorder here) and Allen and Unwin in Australia/New Zealand (more info here).  The sequel, tentatively titled LEVEL 3, is set for January 7, 2014.


In addition to the prizes you can win by taking the quizzes, you can also win here! Enter via this form for a chance to win a pre-order of LEVEL 2 (Coming Jan 15, 2013) + swag pack incl magnet + signed postcards + more (meaning whatever swag I dream up for my launch party). Open internationally! Contest ends at midnight EST on October 28th, 2012.

For extra entries you can:

Follow @lenoreva on twitter
Like The Memory Chronicles on Facebook (which also allows you to read the first 4 chapters of LEVEL 2 online!)
Add LEVEL 2 to Goodreads 


Click here to go to the next stop on the YAmazing Race! (NOTE: THE RACE IS OVER!)


  1. Thank you for the info and this amazing tour! I hadn't paid proper attention and entered BEFORE the tour officially started (that's what I get for staying up too late lol) - so I re-intered on the form after the correct starting time. Hope that is okay? <3

    Ps - I cannot WAIT to get to read Level 2
    Mary DeBorde aka M.A.D.

  2. Oh man, this is a great contest, and the book rocked. It's an amazing tale that will totally rock your socks off. Lenore, I need the next installment,...hurry!

  3. Thank you for the bonus contest! I can't wait to read Level 2 :)

  4. Can't wait to read Level 2. Thanks for another chance to win a copy!

  5. Level 2 sounds amazing :-)

    Safari Poet

  6. Sounds right up my street! Thanks for the contest and for the info

  7. oh WOW.. this sounds amazing.. I've definitely added it on GR to my to-read list, plus followed you on twitter! :)

    Thanks for sharing about your book! :D


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