Thursday, May 30, 2013

Bookanista Relauch + Massive Summer Giveaway

As May draws to a close, we're celebrating the start of summer and another great beginning: THE RELAUNCH OF THE BOOKANISTAS! New members, new logo, new website design and a whole lot more of the book love we all adore!

As I mentioned a few weeks ago with my first Bookanista review, I'm thrilled to join this amazing group of writers recommending books we loved. I'll be posting a book most Thursdays and new reviews from other members will be up at the site every Thursday. These are not critical reviews - these are books that we recommend with enthusiasm.

In order to celebrate in style, we're offering prizes!
 a Rafflecopter giveaway


Signed copies of these Bookanista-authored books…
IF I LIE and TOUCHED by Corrine Jackson PLUS ARCs of JUST ONE DAY and SPEECHLESS LET THE SKY FALL by Shannon Messenger
BY BLOOD by Tracy Banghart
TOUCHING THE SURFACE by Kimberly Sabatini (plus a swag surprise)
BAD TASTE IN BOYS by Carrie Harris
AUDITION by Stasia Ward Kehoe
THE GIRL GUIDE by Christine Fonseca (plus sweet swag)
MILA 2.0 by Debra Driza
LEVEL 2 by Lenore Appelhans
AND A SECOND WINNER WILL GET A BOX FILLED WITH Bookanista-beloved reads including
DITCHED by Robin Mellom
JELLICO ROAD by Melina Marchetta
TAKEN by Erin Bowman
CLOCKWORK ANGEL by Cassandra Clare
MONSTROUS BEAUTY by Elizabeth Fama
SPARROW ROAD by Sheila O’Connor

You can find lots more Bookanista Relaunch Book Love at our sites around the interwebs:
Carolina Valdez Miller, Carrie Harris, Christine Fonseca, Corrine Jackson, Debra Driza, Elana Johson, Jessica Love, Katy Upperman,Kimberly Sabatini, Lenore Appelhans, Nikki Katz, Rebecca Behrens, Shannon Messenger , Shelli Johannes-Wells, Stasia Ward Kehoe, Tracey Neithercott , Tracy Banghart

What are YOU reading this summer? *currently reading CODA by Emma Trevayne and ALL OUR YESTERDAYS by Cristin Terrill*


  1. Ooohhh, I read lots of great upcoming summer books recently! Boy Nobody by Allen Zadoff for the action-seeking people, When You Were Here by Daisy Whitney for those in search of a heartbreaking yet uplifting life-affirming read. For the already released ones, This is What Happy Looks Like, The Boyfriend App, Reboot and Hopeless. :D

  2. I read This Is What Happy Looks Like (cute!) and Reboot (reviewed it a couple of weeks ago). I have The Boyfriend App in my TBR. Summer does seem like it should be for light reading!

  3. If you haven't already read Blythe Woolston's BLACK HELICOPTERS, get on it! Started it last night, and it's amazing. Think it came out in the US in March. Due out in June in the UK, and August in Australia.

  4. I have Black Helicopters in my TBR too! I'll definitely get to it soon, because it's SHORT! :)

  5. Yep, shortest book on my pile - only 166 pages :-)

  6. I'm staring at three big piles of things to read that I couldn't get to this school year. Vacation starts next week! I'm hoping to finally get to Diviners by Libba Bray first.

  7. Awesome you're relaunching. I really liked this when the group was active. I'm reading 45 Pounds. I just finished Dark Triumph.

  8. Robin - That's ambitious! Every time I think about starting The Diviners, the size scares me!

    Natalie - The plan is to be very active again.

  9. I think The Sweetest Dark by Shana Abe should be on everyone's summer reading list.

  10. Reading A Certain Summer would be perfect for summer reading. saubleb(at)gmail(dot)com

  11. Obsidian by Jennifer Armentrout. It was such a good book.

  12. I would recommend Pure by Julianna Baggott, One by Leigh Ann Kopans (released June 11th), and Genesis by Bernard Beckett. I'm not a fan of switching to light reading during the summer, I think summer should be the time to really get into some "heavy" reading!

  13. I've read Pure and Genesis (both great!). Hot weather makes my brain switch off - fortunately, Germany is not very hot!

  14. Christina K. in the rafflecopter

    Christina Kit. on GFC on the Bookanistas blog

    Definitely Reboot!! It's awesome:)

    Thank you:)

  15. This summer I would like to finish reading the Gone series by Michael Grant:)As for the summer release I'm looking forward to Seig and Storm, The Bitter Kingdom, and The Dream Thieves.

  16. You can announce me as Shi'Asia if I were to win. I'm glad I found this blog now I have tons of new books for my TBR! :D

  17. My name for the rafflecopter Donna Harris.
    there was no line/square to put it in on the rafflecopter.
    One book everyone should read is "A Rare Vintage by Delancey Stewart.
    Thanks for this big giveaway!
    Donna Harris


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