Monday, June 3, 2013

Cover Reveal: Promise of Shadows by Justina Ireland

Have you read VENGEANCE BOUND yet?  I have, and it rocks.  So I was super excited to learn that Justina Ireland has a new book coming out next year (March 11, 2014 to be exact) and that is about a Harpy, one of my favorite mythological creatures. 

Check out this premise:

Zephyr Mourning has never been very good at being a Harpy. She'd rather watch reality TV than learn forty-seven ways to kill a man, and she pretty much sucks at wielding magic. Zephyr was ready for a future pretending to be a normal human instead of a half-god assassin. But all that changes when her sister is murdered--and she uses a forbidden dark power to save herself from the same fate. 
Zephyr is on the run from a punishment worse than death when an unexpected reunion with a childhood friend (a surprisingly HOT friend) changes everything. Because it seems like Zephyr might just be the Nyx, a dark goddess made flesh that is prophesied to change the power balance. For hundreds of years the half-gods have lived in fear, and Zephyr is supposed to change that. 
But how is she supposed to save everyone when she can’t even save herself?

And now, check out the stunning cover:

Here's what Justina has to say about the cover:

My editor asked me what I wanted for the cover and I said "A really cool one."

Not helpful.

So I told her I really liked font-driven covers. She gave that to the designer, Lucy Ruth Cummins, and they came up with this lovely thing.

Awesome! Go ahead, put PROMISE OF SHADOWS on your Goodreads shelf, and visit Justina's website for more info on her books.

What do you think about the cover?


  1. I haven't read Justina's first book, but this sounds great. And that's an awesome cover.

  2. I LOVE this cover! It's so gorgeous with the feathers and darkness...amazing! So excited for Justina's new book!

  3. I love love love it! The feathers look so amazing nestled in there with the title!

  4. My love for this cover borders on creepy.

  5. Oh. My. God. Everything about this books sounds AMAZING! The cover is so amazingly gorgeous (I love the texture of the feathers in the background), and harpies?? What?! That sounds like the most epically cool thing EVAA!!

  6. BEAUTIFUL cover! I adore the color of the font and the black feathers, especially. Very striking!

  7. Oooo, I can't wait to read this one!I love the simplicity of the cover :D


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