Sunday, December 29, 2013

2013 in Review: Movies and TV

Even though I don't usually blog about movies or tv, I do like my year end list summaries.

2013 Movies I saw this year (top 5 marked with an *)

Warm Bodies
The Place Beyond the Pines
Side Effects (plane)
Beautiful Creatures (plane)
Star Trek: Into Darkness
The Host (plane)
*Pacific Rim
World War Z
*Catching Fire
*Inside Llewyn Davis
Wolverine 2 (DVD)
*Captain Phillips

Total of 14 (1 more than last year)

Catching Fire was probably my top favorite and I enjoyed it even more than the Hunger Games. Inside Llewyn Davis is a great film, but hard to watch for struggling creative types like us.

Notable movies I saw in 2013 that were released before 2013 (top 5 marked with an *)

*Les Miserables (theater)
*Perks of Being a Wallflower
Pitch Perfect
*Silver Linings Playbook (theater)
The Fighter
Django Unchained (theater)
Zero Dark Thirty (theater)
Ruby Sparks
My Week with Marilyn
The Bourne Legacy
Taken 2
*Cloud Atlas
This is 40
The Campaign
Snow White and the Seven Dwarves 

2013 movies I still want to see

American Hustle
The Book Thief
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
Before Midnight
The Spectacular Now
Stories We Tell

TV series I watched in 2013 (favorites marked with an *)

Game of Thrones Seasons 2, 3
Parks and Recreation Season 1
*Breaking Bad Complete Series
Gilmore Girls Season 1
Mad Men Season 6
Person of Interest Seasons 2, 3
*Orphan Black Season 1
Jericho (part of) Season 1
*The Mindy Project Season 2 (Favorite episode: Christmas Party Sex Trap)
Sleepy Hollow Season 1 (Favorite episode: Pilot)
Sherlock (BBC) Seasons 1, 2
*The Returned (French) Season 1 (Favorite episode: Camille)
The Bates Motel Season 1
The Walking Dead Season 4
Dexter Season 8
*It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia Season 1 (Favorite episode: Underage Drinking)
The Big Bang Theory Season 7 (Favorite episode: The Thanksgiving Decoupling)

So much great TV available lately, and we're always looking for more recommendations. Shows we tried out but gave up on: Reign, Dracula, The Americans, and Almost Human. Stopped watching Revenge, The Vampire Diaries and Jericho. Looking forward to checking out the third season of Homeland, Orange is the New Black and of course new seasons of Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Orphan Black, The Returned, Sherlock and The Bates Motel. 

How was your year in movies and TV?


  1. I don't think I have seen a movie in the theater since The Hunger Games. I want to go see Catching Fire, though. Warm Bodies is next in my queue from Netflix. I was a bit disappointed in Beautiful Creatures.

  2. So glad you started watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia! Definitely a favorite of mine.

    I gave up on Reign too! Bummed you gave up on Jericho and Almost Human. :(

    Just started Sherlock due to being tired of seeing all of the memes and such on Tumblr and not being in the loop hahaha. One episode left to go! Woo!

    I need to catch up on Parks & Rec, Persons of Interest, and Big Bang!

    As for movies, I've seen twenty 2013 releases and still have twenty that I want to see so I will catch them on Netflix next year. As for movies & TV shows I've seen this year that released/aired prior to 2013, that list is endless.

    Great roundup!!!

  3. I'm hoping to see Frozen today with the kids. I've slowed down on watching movies this year.

  4. I am consistently behind in television and movies... There is so much I want to watch and still haven't.

  5. Great list. I loved Once Upon a Time and can't wait for Downton Abby to start.

  6. Ah, loved Les Mis. <3 Need to re-watch it soon :) And ohh. Cannot wait for Gravity to come out on blu-ray; as I didn't get to see it in the cinema. Glad you loved it :D You watched some awesome things this year sweetie. <3 thank you for sharing :)

  7. aaah I feel bad you didn't like The Americans!!!

  8. Great list - mine looks SO different from yours, which is what I love about these lists.

    I watched before midnight (after?) on a flight last week, it's good but you do feel soccer punched the second half. It's not an uplifting movie, but a real one.

    I also saw (2012) love is all you need which I loved! Sorrento/Capri are lovely and the story is good.

    Happy New Year!


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