Saturday, December 28, 2013

Series Review: Letters to Nowhere by Julie Cross

The Letters to Nowhere series revolves around Karen, an elite gymnast whose parents have just died. The first installment is novel length while the following installments are shorter and take an episodic approach. While I think this an interesting approach that gets the story out more quickly, I'd prefer to wait for full length novels with some meat on their bones.

In Letters to Nowhere, Karen writes letters to her dead parents about her life - everything from what it's like to live with her coach to dating the coach's son (whose bedroom is right next door). The novel starts out slow and I wasn't sold on the grief element, but I loved the elite gymnastics focus and the authentically slow-burn relationship between Karen and Jordan. Obviously I had to have more. (FTC disclosure: Review copy from author)

In Return to Sender, Karen participates in the Pan-Am Championships and attends a gymnastics training camp with US team coach Nina to prepare for Nationals. While this strikes a good balance between sport and romance, it feels too short. (FTC disclosure: Bought)

Return to You continues with the gymnastics training camp. Karen has a problem with the dismount of her bars routine and Jordan might need surgery which leads to a fight. There's a nice story arc here, but not that much happens other than a lot of falling off bars and pouty arguments. (FTC disclosure: Bought)

Find out more about the whole series at Julie's blog. (Note: More installments to come in 2014)


  1. hm... I am actually looking for suggestions of books written in letter format, but I am not sure if I would like these or not. I will add them to my list to at least try. :)

  2. Huh, okay, so I was thinking about reading more, but I think maybe I'm happier stopping with just the first, because it had a nice arc, and I don't think I'll like the episodic nature either. :(


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