Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Bloghopping Challenge

As I was reading through J.Kaye's latest blog posts, her spotlight on Alpha Heroes blog and her bloghopping challenge caught my eye.

So I decided to join the fun. The idea is to visit 10 blogs you never have before and leave comments on posts that interest you. Go here for full list of instructions.

Here's my trail:

Left a comment on Alpha Heroes bloghopping post. What a fun idea! It's a romance blog, a genre I haven't read for a long time.

Chose Allison's Attic of Books at random from the BBAW list. She's a Tuesday Thinger, so I may have been here before.

Chose 5 Minutes for Books from Allison's blogroll as it was the most recently updated. I see they host the What's On Your Bookshelf carnival. Maybe I'll join in for September.

Clicked over to Rebecca Reads through her comment on Carrie's Unique Children's Books post. She has a post about Sandra Boynton's books and I commented that I like Barnyard Dance. I buy it for many of my friends' kids.

Clicked on Naked Without Books on Rebecca's blogroll. Commented on the post about Dewey's Readathon October 18th which I won't be able to join because of the Frankfurt Book Fair.

Lizzy's Literary Life called to me from Bybee's blogroll. She has a great review of The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, a classic short story. Gotta read this one soon - thanks Lizzy!

Love German Books was on Lizzy's blogroll so I just had to click over. This is a neat discovery for me - someone writing about German books in English. Especially since I have pledged to read more books in German. She has posted an interview with Julia Franck, last year's German Book Prize winner for Mittagsfrau (a book I picked up at last year's Frankfurt Book Fair but haven't read yet), about her book being translated into other languages.

Went back to the BBAW list and picked I Smell Books because of the blog title. I commented on her review of Sarah Addison's The Sugar Queen. She also did a post mentioning her favorite blogs and from her list I picked...

Lit Chick. She apparently has free book friday and her latest giveaway is for The House at Riverton by Kate Morton which I really want to read. So I entered the contest.

I then end my exploration of 10 new blogs at One Minute Book Reviews where I read a couple of her reviews but discover I can't leave a comment because I don't have a WordPress account.

What new blogs have you discovered lately?


  1. Glad you enjoyed Love German Books.

  2. Wow what a fun idea, thanks for stopping by!

  3. What a great idea! I'm going to try this out too. Thanks for pointing out Lit Chick's giveaway, I've been dying to read that book!

  4. Hi, I'm glad you're enjoying the challenge!

  5. I thought that bloghopping challenge was such a cool idea. I didn't have the time to sign up though. :(


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