Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Waiting On Wednesday (1) The Dust of 100 Dogs by A.S. King

Jill at Breaking the Spine is hosting a cool new meme called Waiting On Wednesday where we talk about an upcoming book we are really excited about.

My pick this week is A.S. King's The Dust of 100 Dogs.

I first heard about this over at Reviewer X's blog (here's a post where she mentions it, but it was an earlier post and her countdown widget which caught my attention months ago) and I must say that the description is super cool:

In the late 17th century, famed pirate Emer Morrisey was on the cusp of sailing into early retirement with unfathomable wealth and her one true love when she was fatally cursed with the dust of 100 dogs. Three hundred years later, after 100 lives as a dog, she finally reincarnates into a human body again—with all her memories intact. Now she’s a contemporary American teenager, and all she needs is a shovel and a ride to Jamaica. (Young Adult - language, swashbuckling, and elusive pirate nookie.)

It even has an official website with an excerpt:

HELP! I don't think I can wait until Feb. 1, 2009 to read this!!
What upcoming books are you really excited about?


  1. I'm so glad you're participating!

  2. That has got to be one of the most unique premises I have ever read. I'm quite curious about it now!

  3. Oh gosh, I'm excited about a lot of books. The sequel to Wake which is Fade by Lisa McMann.

    The sequel to Wicked Game by Jeri Smith-Ready...I believe it's Bad to the Bone.

    College Girl (forget the author's name...)

    So many really.

  4. Hey wow! I'm late to the party, but thanks, Lenore! And what an awesome idea! I'm honored that you chose DUST!

    I can't wait for FADE by Lisa McMann, either, Lauren.


  5. i'm a little off my game lately, so right now i'm eagerly awaiting the new Barefoot Contessa cookbook.

  6. Jill: Thanks for hosting!

    Jeane: Isn't it? I'm so excited!

    Lauren: College Girl by Patricia Weitz - I have it sitting on my shelf calling to me! I really need to read Wake (it's caling to me from the shelf too) but once I do I'm sure I'll be ready for Fade.

    Amy: Thanks for stopping by - it's such an honor to have you here :)

    Melanie: I need to get some cookbooks probably. The last one I got was from IKEA!


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