Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Waiting On Wednesday (19) Crazy Beautiful by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

Check out this amazing cover. Crazy Beautiful is a contemporary tale about a boy with hooks for hands and a gorgeous girl who meet on their first day at a new school. A hot romance with with an Edward Scissorhands meets Captain Hook vibe maybe? I can't wait to find out.

Here's what Lisa McMann (author of Wake and Fade) had to say:

"Lauren Baratz-Logsted doesn't write icky, gooey love. She writes stark, broken, gorgeous love. When you need a retreat, when you need to feel something, or when you just need a breather from your own freaky life, this is the love story you'll run to. Crazy Beautiful has two hearts, one soul. I can't wait to read it again."

Crazy Beautiful is coming out in September 2009.

UPDATE: Tempting Persephone did some digging and found the publisher's summary so go read it on her blog - it's hot!

And here's an interview Katie of Katie's Bookshelf did with Lauren that tells us a bit more about the book, including that it has a lot in common with the Beauty and the Beast fairy tale.


  1. IT'S TOO FAR AWAY!!! Sounds amazing though and I really love the cover as well. My first thought was Edward Scissorhands. I'm stoked.


  2. Beautiful cover! And it sounds like it's going to be awesome. hook for hands... how interesting (=

  3. Wow - this looks awesome! And what a gorgeous cover! September? That's far too long to wait (while thinking of an angsty, love-lorn Edward) :P

  4. Umm yup me again - I just re-read my first comment and thought OMG I sound like an obsessed Team Edward groupie :x

    Let me emphasize that I meant Edward Scissorhands not the emotional puddle muck that is Edward Cullen.

  5. It is a totally amazing cover. Although, is that the same smoke that's on the cover of LOOKING FOR ALASKA?

  6. p.s. re: Joanne: I love how we can all speak of Edward Cullen as though he were a personal friend of ours.

  7. OH MY GOD. I heard about this one in one of her recent interviews. I'm totally going to get it for myself for my birthday! That's one hot cover!

  8. Sizzling cover! This sounds like a really good book - I'm curious to see how this romance plays out!


  9. Well I know I'm going to sound weird but hooks for hands? I'm not sure if I'm hooked (pun intended) so I will wait until you review this book!!! I feel like a loser after reading the other comments...I know nothing about this author or this book!! HELP!!

  10. That was the first thing I thought of too..Edward Scissorhands, which I LOVED!

  11. Yeah, that's a cool cover and a cool concept for a story. However, I read Vertigo (I think it's by her as well?), and didn't enjoy it one bit. *sigh* So we'll see! Is this YA or adult?

  12. Amazing cover. I hope I can read this one. It's my cup of tea!!!!

  13. Steph Su - Yep Vertigo (adult) was by her, but this one is YA. Don't know how much of a difference that makes though as I haven't yet read anything by her (though I have Secrets of my Suburban Life which is YA in my TBR pile).

  14. I will be on the lookout for this one. Thanks

  15. I am totally begging some people for this book! Sounds hot!

  16. That's a crazy beautiful cover.

    As for Flight of the Conchords, the tickets go on sale Friday so I hope I'm able to get one.

  17. oh wow this sounds amazing! I can't wait until it's released ha! I also thought edward scissorhands, which I love :D

  18. Wow--love Lisa's recommendation. It sounds like an amazing read, and the cover is really cool! I LOVED Angel's Choice, another book by Lauren. :)

  19. What a gorgeous cover and an interesting premise. I cannot wait for this one!

  20. Wow the cover looks absolutely beautiful...September 2009 is too far away! :( Why oh why..

  21. The cover looks great - and I can absolutely be sold on an impulse by a book's cover.

  22. Lauren,
    It's absolutely gorgeous! I love the black/white look, the picture, the font, everything!

  23. What a great cover, Lauren! Sounds like a fascinating story, too--looking forward to it!!

  24. Wow, I LOVE this cover and I can't wait to read it. Lauren is such an awesome writer, I know I won't be disappointed.

  25. I'm so honored that Lenore featured my cover here, and that there's so much enthusiasm for it - I hope people like the book!


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