Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Book Review: Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies by Erin Dionne

Celeste Harris loves to eat chocolate cookies. But she hates being called a cow by teen mean queen Lively, that she looks like a watermelon in the Peach Monstrosity of a bridesmaid’s dress she has to wear for her cousin’s wedding, and that her Aunt signed her up to model in the Miss Husky Peach pageant for plus-sized girls. Is it time to "just say no" to junk food?

Let me say right off the bat that I loved Celeste. She completely charmed me with her matter-of-fact voice and her sweet personality. She’s an underdog, but not a complete social outcast and her road to self acceptance is filled with the kind of middle school drama that’s completely relatable.

I was also impressed by the way debut author Erin Dionne handled the sensitive issue of weight loss. Celeste knows that she’s chubby and she is hurt by her classmates’ taunting, but dieting is not really on her radar. A diet ad with a bikini clad woman gives her the idea to try to lose the Husky Peach modeling gig by losing weight so they won’t want her anymore. The desire to eat healthier starts with her and at her friend’s gentle urging, she also becomes more physically active. It all comes off as totally natural and that is quite a feat.

There are many laugh-out-loud scenes – the diet drink fiasco being a particular favorite of mine – and I just had so much fun reading this.

Models Don’t Eat Chocolate Cookies comes out in hardcover tomorrow.


  1. Thanks, Lenore! I'm so glad you liked it!!


  2. It comes out tomorrow!? Wow...

  3. Yes, it was moved up one month to Feb. 5th.

  4. I love the title of this book - glad to see it's good.

  5. Oh, I'm so glad you liked it! I am ordering this from Scholastic tomorrow!

  6. Great review Lenore. This one sounds really good. I'll have to keep an eye out for it.

  7. The cover alone makes me want to read it!! Sounds great...and girls need more positive body image books to read!!

  8. Aw, it sounds cute. I like that this issue is dealt with nicely.


  9. Weight is a huge issue among our youth. I'm not sure if I'm sold on how the author addresses the issue but I can't be definitive till I read the book. Thanks to your review, I'm going to check it out. Thanks.

  10. Ohh, it sounds good :) I'll add it to my (ever-increasing) wishlist..haha

  11. I'm looking forward to reading this. The author is coming for a Kids Heart Authors event at the bookstore where I work on Valentine's Day. It will be nice to meet her.

  12. I'm going to add this to my list too! I can't stand it. My list is getting way too big!

  13. Fun cover! You made me curious by being impressed with the author's handling of weight loss.


  14. Looks like a good one! Cute cover!

  15. This book sounds cute! Thanks for the review, I'm adding it to my TBR list!

  16. I saw this the other day and the cover caught my attention. Love the title too!

  17. This sounds great! With the book "Fruit" I was so glad to see that the weight issue of the character was dealt with in a way that made it clear that this is a personal decision to make, regardless of what people think is socially acceptable.
    Anyways, I was thinking it would be awesome to find a book that handles this topic with a female, and "Models Don't Eat Chocolate Cookies" seems to be just what I wanted :)

  18. I have read just about every fiction book on those with weight issues since I was about 14, so this sounds good.

  19. I have to read this book! I'll add this to my many list of 'to read' books.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. bought it as soon as I saw it on scholastics, its not coming soon enough!!!

  22. okay, i'm curious now about the diet drink fiasco. sounds like a good one. whether it is a light or heavy read, it gets the weight issue out there and gets people thinking.

  23. Hi, i did Models don't eat chocolate cookies for my book report. I am more like a 'Kirsten' but good friends may be a 'Celeste'. Thank you for giving me another perspective and hopefully an 'A'!

  24. I LOVED this book! It's my favorite book ever!


  26. I LOVE this book. i'm in the 8th grade and i read it and i recemend it to all my friends. it had me lol in the middle of class. it is one of the best books i ever read. i read it over and over again. Thanks Erin for making it one of my favorite books in the world.(O:


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