Thursday, February 5, 2009

What I Love About J

Alyce of At Home with Books tagged me for a meme where you list ten things that you love that start with a letter that is randomly assigned to you. I got the letter J.

The way the meme works is that if you want to get tagged you leave a comment letting me know that you want to participate, and then I assign you a random letter. Here are ten very random people, places or things I love that start with the letter J:


June evenings – they are so magical, especially around the summer solstice.

James T. (that’s my dad).

Jim Carrey’s performance in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. It’s one of my favorite movies and I think its criminal he was snubbed by Oscar.

J songs on my iPod: Josephine, Juarez and Jackie’s Strength – three excellent songs by Tori Amos, Just like Heaven by The Cure, Jackson by Johnny Cash and June Carter, July, July by the Decemberists and Jaded by Maggi, Pierce and E.J.

Japanese food especially (crack) sushi (but not all the pickled side dishes they like to serve).

Jumping Cat Monastery on Inle Lake in Burma. The monks have taught cats to jump through hoops and it is seriously cute.

The Jenneweins (Daniel's family).

Jasper Fforde. He’s the author of the Thursday Next series which I love and the upcoming Shades of Grey which I am really looking forward to. Plus I met him in person and he’s super witty and nice.

Juice - especially grape, tomato, guanabana, and pineapple.

So who wants to go next?


  1. You got a tough letter - Trish gave me P, and I'm working on my list right now.

  2. I've been tagged for this as well. Great list. I got the letter W from Trish!

  3. Sushi is awesome. I'd like to be tagged!

  4. I love J too, otherwise I'd be Annette.

  5. Wow J is such a hard letter. I got N and I had a hard time coming up with answers.

  6. I like your list, and am officially envious that you've met Jasper Fforde :-).

  7. I love memes. Enjoyed reading your answers. Please tag me. :-)

  8. How do those monks teach cats to do anything?

  9. Caite - they have lots of patience, lots of time, and lots of treats!

  10. I love the song Jackson by Johnny Cash and June Carter too! I wouldn't have thought of that one off the top of my head though. Great list!

  11. Jim Carrey was amazing in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind as well as Kate Winslet! Very impressive! We should just make an Oscar for him!


  12. Jasper Fforde is great in person - I met him at a book signing and he is totally charming.

  13. Haha I would love to see those jumping cats! Great list, and how sweet that you have your Dad's name on there :)


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