Friday, March 6, 2009

Friday Fabulous! (6)

What I am excited about this week:

1. Diana Peterfreund is so excited about the amazing response my contest to win an advanced copy of Rampant is getting (147 entries and counting) that she is donating a SIGNED copy. That’s right – now there will be two lucky winners. How cool is Diana?! There is still time to enter until Thursday night at midnight CST.

2. One of my favorite new bloggers Taylor from For the Love of Books gave me The Your Blog is Fabulous award! Getting awards from your peers never gets old :) Thanks Taylor <3

3. Readingjunky won my contest to win a custom header from Daniel and her new header is now up. Check it out! And while you're there, read her excellent review of Francine Prose's forthcoming YA novel Touch (due out June 16th).

4. 13 Little Blue Envelopes garnered the most votes in my Where should my next book take me poll, so I will be reading it this month. I also plan to read Undercover by Beth Kephart which has been chosen as a recommended read for March by the postergirlz at readergirlz.

5. More books in my mailbox this week! Radiant Darkness by Emily Whitman and Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon found their way to Germany and my Kansas mailbox is enjoying the following: Life Sentences by Laura Lippman, Manual of Detection by Jedediah Berry, Palace Circle by Rebecca Dean (yes, someone needs to stay away from Shelf Awareness!) and my contest wins Eyes Like Stars by Lisa Mantchev, The Italian Lover by Robert Hellenga and The Terror by Dan Simmons.

6. Speaking of The Terror, the universe really wants me to read this book because I won a third copy of it over at Books Ahoy. 1 million thank yous go out to Nancy aka The Ravenous Reader who let me know I won a swag bag over at Wings author Aprilynne Pike’s blog. We all know how hard it is to keep track of everything we do on the web, so friendly reminders are always welcome!

What are you excited about this week?


  1. I looked at Palace Circle several times and decided to stay away. Your review may change that!

    Daniel's Header is so cute, love it!

    Have a great weekend!

  2. you had another great week getting books! Way to go!

    Looks like I'll be reading 13 Little Blue Envelopes too!

  3. oh, and I LOVE Daniel's new header! Perhaps he needs to start a side business of designing headers for all of us bloggers! Tell him HI!

  4. I'm excited in anticipating the email from you saying I won a copy (EITHER copy) of Rampant.....


  5. I love Readingjunky's new header!

  6. Huzzah Diana Peterfreund for being the most kickass author(ess?) ever!

  7. oh yay a signed copy. I've have the best week ever.

  8. Thanks for the blog heads up--they look awesome.

  9. I'm excited that I brought our two tortoises to my son's school this morning for show and tell. The kids LOVED them and he was so proud :)

  10. I am excited about my Abby McDonald contest & getting to meet her!
    That header is freakin' amazing! Woah!

  11. Thanks for zigging and zagging me across the blogosphere just now. Yes, that was an interesting review of the new Prose book.

  12. wow, what a nice week!!!

    I didn't have quite as many fab things happening. Oh well though. :)


  13. Sounds like a good week. I'm excited about Battlestar galactica tonight (I know I am sad) and possibly winning in your competition :)

    Hope you enjoy 13 little blue envelopes

  14. The header Daniel designed is so cute! I love the one you have too, btw.

    A 3rd copy! Yep, sounds like a sign :P

  15. (and I love sushi, had it for lunch)

  16. That header is so adorable! Love it!

    And I'm so excited for you about your blog award! You are absolutely fabulous! I know the awards will keep on comin' to you!

  17. I looooooove my new header. Can't stop checking it out. Thanks!

  18. Wow!! You received so many entries!! Sounds like a great week for you in regards to getting some cool stuff in the mail!! Have fun!

  19. hurrah! you got TWO greenwillow books. =D i loved radiant darkness and also the stolen one--both coming out by GW in summer with SILVER PHOENIX.

  20. Yay, shout out to me! Thanks Lenore! P.S. I don't know if you say the comment I left after your Wii fit one but I bowled a 240 the other day on Wii bowling! Yay!


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