Monday, August 10, 2009

Book Review: Crazy Beautiful by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

“Crazy” Lucius and beautiful Aurora meet the first day they both attend a new school. Aurora is drawn to the mysterious boy with hooks for hands and Lucius to the friendly girl surrounded by an air of sadness. But while Aurora is swept into the popular crowd, Lucius is met with scorn and ridicule. Can Beauty and the Beast overcome these odds and get together?

I have to admit, I was expecting something much different than what this novel turned out to be. The cover promises a dark, passionate love story…but what we actually get is a winningly sweet high school tale about an outcast and his dream girl.

I could buy into the fact that Aurora was this amazingly gorgeous and yet completely down-to-earth person thanks to the background on her relationship with her recently deceased mother. But I did not believe for a minute that Lucius was a brooding, evil character that needed to be reformed by falling in love and having someone fall for him in return. We are told he did something bad, but it fails to compute because he’s just written as such a nice guy (with the exception of one strategically placed volleyball spike). I mean, he lets his sister Misty beat him at pool, is unfailingly polite to his elders, and even takes the time to help out a former football hero/current security guard realize his dreams. I bet he bakes cookies for the homeless and rescues cats from trees too.

I devoured the novel in one sitting and enjoyed the various authentically drawn relationships (especially Lucius and Misty and Aurora and her librarian father). I never needed Lucius to be bad, so I wasn’t disappointed that he wasn’t. And even though the big showdown at the end felt rushed/forced, I thought the story ended on a nice, satisfying note.

CRAZY BEAUTIFUL comes out September 29th in hardcover. For more information about the book, visit the author’s website.


  1. I cannot wait to read this one! I love the cover.

  2. I just won a copy of this one and I'm so excited to read it. Glad to hear you loved it even if the "Beast" was sweet and not bad. ;)

  3. I have this one on pre-order...Can't wait!

  4. I love the sound of this novel. Can't wait to read it!

  5. Oh this one looks good! I had seen the cover around, but not read the summary yet. I'm a sucker for a book with a little romance. Can't wait!

  6. YO LENORE. You won an award. Because... you ROCK.

  7. Sounds like a great one! I have been wanting to read this one for awhile!

  8. This looks interesting. I like books with really good characters.

    Here's an award for your lovely site:

  9. I've heard good things about this book. I'll have to read it. Its such a unique idea.

  10. I'm reading this right now. I'm still not sure what I think of it.

  11. Now you have me interested in this one. When I first read the synopsis I was just a little turned off, but your words have changed my mind!!!

  12. Huh. I wasn't really looking forward to this one until now.

  13. I had the impression this one was all dark too, and possibly car-crashy. Helping the jock? Well isn't he just the sweetest! Sounds good though.

  14. I hadn't heard of this one before -- adding it to the list. I like books that can make relationships seem real.

  15. Hey, any plans to go to Frankfurt?

  16. Good review, although the book doesn't seem quite up my alley.

  17. I thought this was a dark love story too- now I'm thinking of pushing it back on my TBR pile :(

    Great review though!

  18. I actually prefer winningly sweet to dark and passionate, so this sounds like a great read to me!

  19. I am DYING to read this book. Everything I've heard about it is super positive!

  20. Great review! Sounds like one I'll want to read, too. Plus, that cover is great!

  21. Lauren Baratz-Logsted is a frequent contributor at a message board I sometimes frequent (well, I mostly lurk), and I am excited that you liked her book! She seems like a really nice person, and I have to admit this book sounds really interesting.

  22. Glad to hear this was a good read, I've been wanting to read it since you posted a WoW about it!


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